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Everything posted by hk47

  1. My parents were just starting high school.
  2. Caught up with Californication...love it. Gonna start rolling through Entourage now.
  3. $92 450 minutes Unlimited M2M Unlimited text 2 GB data
  4. I sure as hell hope so. But, I voted no. Not with how the pitching staff has been.
  5. Unis are simple and clean, but I hate the logo sooo much.
  6. I love JR, but winning the 6th man award is kind of ridiculous when he leads the team in minutes played.
  7. I'm thinking a 12-15 year difference is a good gap.
  8. Take off that Giants avatar...this is an Angels' website!
  9. I did not make this up, thank you very much. It's not about his age, but about the age of people who are calling him that. And I'm thinking at the 24 year old mark douche may be applied, if necessary.
  10. The pitcher blew a kiss at Harper earlier in the game...retaliation blown kiss = not a douche move. Grown men calling a 20 year old a douche...funny.
  11. Did they get him with a machete, too?
  12. Since the other one died with the old forum... Looking forward to Denver/GS and LAC/Memphis in the West. CHI/Brooklyn and Atlanta/IND should be good series in the East. I'm thinking OKC/LAC, DEN/SA, MIA/CHI, IND/NY in the second round.
  13. Damn...seeing the explosion in the video is unreal.
  14. When I pump gas and the handle doesn't stay locked.
  15. People who drive slow...especially in the fast lanes...and refuse to move.
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