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Everything posted by hk47

  1. I mean...that's how a lot of girls her age dance. Not out of the ordinary.
  2. I would hope they could make decisions on their own and not be influenced by a celebrity. Go to any college campus and you'll see that kind of stuff every day. It's honestly nothing out of the ordinary for people her age.
  3. So suggestive dancing = whoring it up? I'm not justifying it, but you said it's offensive to fans and and their families...when there are girls in these families that do these same things. What she did wasn't a big deal.
  4. This is what 77% of girls her age do. Nothing new.
  5. Yep. Chicago summers are this but with more humidity. Every day.
  6. Leaking oil on the compression side. Need the seal replaced.
  7. Ford Mustang 2007 Aftermarket No manufacturer stamp.
  8. I've been looking all day and have had no luck. I need a slight rebuild. OC area
  9. Unfortunately, I have been summoned for work. Apologies.
  10. For those who have attended before, roughly how long do the games last?
  11. Resident Evil: Retribution - 8/10 I really enjoy these movies. Mindless, non stop action. Taken 2 - 8/10 The first one is a lot better, but still awesome to see Liam Neeson kick ass. The Man With the Iron Fists - 5/10 Didn't really get in to it, RZA was eh. The action scenes were cool though. Oblivion - 7/10 I'm a Tom Cruise fan, so I enjoyed it simply because of him. Story was cool. Love me some Olga, too. Savages - 8/10 Really like it. The only thing that held it back a little was Aaron Johnson; though his acting was kind of poor.
  12. Jason Sudeikis is funny, but this looks horrible.
  13. The Lion King is the best animated movie ever. Never.
  14. Trailer doesn't really do too much for me, I'll wait for a home viewing.
  15. Oh, you've heard them all?
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