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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I really feel like the Dombrowski method will decapitate this franchise for a decade, the real and only growth we have really seen has come from within, mainly home grown but some re-calibrated talent from other teams.  Eppler doesn't deserve to lose his job because of the major improvements the team has made since the early struggles, the sample size is not large enough to call him a failure over 162 games.  We basically get a freebie, shortened season that was mostly forgettable and an extra off-season to re-calibrate the team once again.

  2. I knew these boys still had some Buttercup left in them!  Draft is looking worse for us, good news is baseball drafts are a crap shoot but having at least a top 10 spot guarantees decent farm buildup.  Besides, what's a draft going to do for Trout and the Angels of 2021-22?  Absolutely very little.

    Ohtani looking like a comeback player candidate next season.  Apparently he still feels good about the two way thing, his pitching ability is still there.  Not many teams would say no to that.

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