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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. Cals was absolutely race baiting with his comment about certain "communities" not being against abhorrent behavior. As if the white community has a moral high ground in this country.
  2. Other than me, you're easily the whitest guy on here.
  3. Holy crap, legitimately racist post by cals and both Jason and Tank "liked" it.
  4. I love that show. Cancelled way too soon. This will be my only post in the Spin Forum.
  5. KC is too pious of a Christian to have something like that on his truck.
  6. It's possible he found the image from an old post, then copy/pasted it to avoid it saving on his phone.
  7. Would you still be a fan if you relocated? Seems like the answer to both questions should be the same.
  8. The Oval Office scene was incredible. Jonah Hill's character is easily my favorite.
  9. No Face necessary as I already acknowledged the impeccable logic of st1ck's retort.
  10. My wife and I saw a preview cut of it in July. I had a very mixed opinion at the time. Some really funny and thought-provoking stuff muddled with uneven writing and narrative. I want to watch it again to see if anything has changed based on the stellar feedback I provided in the after-viewing survey.
  11. Why do you care that he cares that he cares?
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