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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. People that have less than two pet peeves.
  2. This thread would have been better if we could add our own options.
  3. Although I think he's been a crappy president, Obama does seem like a really cool dude. If I ever had the chance to hang out with him and catch a ball game or something, I would.
  4. Do you expect Scioscia to trash Butcher to the media? I think Butcher should be axed, but don't expect Scioscia to leave him out to dry.
  5. I blame Mr. Abner Doubleday. If he had never invented baseball, all of us would be quietly enjoying our lives on this fine Monday evening.
  6. In high school, my buddies and I would troll Angel talk on the way home from games. It was fun getting Terry all worked up.
  7. I love how everyone is blaming someone different in this thread. -It's Dipoto's fault for assembling this terrible pitching staff! -No, it's Butcher's! He doesn't know how to coach our pitching staff! -Wrong again! It's all Scioscia's fault! His stubbornness and ineffective strategies have been plaguing this organization for years! -Reagins screwed this franchise up, he should take all the blame! -Who's been at the top this whole time? That's right, Arte Moreno! He appointed Reagins and Dipoto and even gave Scioscia a 10-year contract extension. Fire Arte! -Ladies, you are all failing to notice that this team's problems are all a fallout of the BUSH ADMINISTRATION! He ran the country into the ground, and now the Angels are paying the price! -It's the Mike Napoli curse! -It's Bourjos's fault! -Ever since Drew Carey lost all that weight, he hasn't been funny! I blame him for the Angels' failures!
  8. Angels get first pick and waste it on a slappy singles hitter who hit .390 as a senior in high school this year, because Dipto has been fired with Scioscia promoted to GM.
  9. If Brandon Wood were playing, his name would read "Richard Wood."
  10. "Look, Jerry. Everything the light touches is Angel Stadium." "Wow. But what about that shadowy place?" "That's Dodger Stadium. You must never go there."
  11. Then they can hire Mo Vaughn as hitting coach, and the constant tension between the two will ensure the players never get too comfortable.
  12. "One day, Jerry, this will be all yours."
  13. To many, human beings are merely tools toward achieving a goal.
  14. I think everyone was so anti-Metrodome by the time the new stadium was being designed, so "no more roof" sounded like a great idea.
  15. Does anyone think Troy Percival would be an effective pitching coach? Doesn't seem like a career closer would have the expertise to coach an entire pitching staff.
  16. Throwing strikes is overrated and a bleeping wuss?
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