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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. What are you afraid of? Surely, the woman won't see the baby growing inside of her and have second thoughts. Because it's not really a baby.
  2. According to this, the median salary for a pastor in the U.S. is $86,413. Much higher than what MT said, but nowhere near firefighter/Brandon's priest friend territory.
  3. Senior pastor making > $50K = church misusing money?
  4. Agreed. Netflix is a fantastic website.
  5. There is an upcoming episode of SpongeBob where he goes hunting for human fetuses.
  6. Kind of like L and R with Asians.
  7. As are "tissue" and "clump of cells."
  8. At first, I thought the shrink was too much like Lundy— the serial killer expert who ironically takes an interest in Dexter's instincts. But the ending twist was a good one. My theory is that after Harry "created" Dexter and saw what he was capable of (there is a flashback from Season 2, I believe, where Harry walks in after Dexter kills someone and begins puking and saying to Dexter, "Stay away from me"), he sought counseling from Vogel and ended up admitting everything to her. Because of patient confidentiality, she never told the police and began taking an interest in Dexter and watching him from afar, studying his behavior.
  9. The Umpires Union is worse than Congress.
  10. Ask the maker of this poster:
  11. The church I work at has a weekly attendance of 4,000+ and a staff of about 60 people. Not a "small" church by any means. All I'm saying is that the pastor driving a Bentley is not the norm. If you think the money a Harvest Crusade pulls in goes to giving bonuses to pastors, you are mistaken.
  12. I don't understand why the cat has to be in the bedroom. Just keep the cat in the living room and close the bedroom door. Why is that not an option?
  13. I cannot speak for the Catholic church, but like I said, as someone who works full-time at a Protestant church and is on the payroll, we don't always get paid a ton of money. Brandon was making a blanket statement based on a single loan he signed for one priest, and because he thinks he knows the salary of the senior pastor at Crossroads. It just simply ain't true all the time, or even most of the time.
  14. As someone who works at a church, I can assure you that us employees of the Fortune 500 companies do not typically get paid high salaries.
  15. What a terrible idea for a movie. Thanks Obama!
  16. This qualifies for the second worst post of the year.
  17. This qualifies for the worst post of the year.
  18. He'll pitch a shutout against us on 72 pitches.
  19. Democrats are such two-faced liars.
  20. Yes, which is why they're being paid an average of $70+ thousand per year.
  21. Lol. At the expense of the convenience of an entire major metropolitan area.
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