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Drink More Yakult

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Everything posted by Drink More Yakult

  1. I get that Arte has a history of acting like this but I don’t see why the Dodgers would have still done the trade. Their other trades changed their payroll and roster so the Angels trade wouldn’t have brought them under the threshold and they would still need to cut players they wouldn’t necessarily want to cut. By all accounts, the trade was originally in the Angels favor and the changes to the Sox/Twins trades took away the few positives for the Dodgers to move Pederson/Stripling to the Angels. Pujols, Wilson, Wells, and Hamilton are all examples of Arte getting in the way to the detriment of the club but I don’t think Arte can be the one to blame for this falling through. There’s just no way the Dodgers didn’t try to change the trade with the Angels giving up prospects or taking on money. Our payroll is already the highest it’s ever been and this move would have taken us pretty close to the tax line originally, I can’t blame Arte for not wanting to take on more money. If more info comes out to place the blame on Arte, I’ll gladly shift the blame to his shoulders but right now, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt from looking at the trade from the Dodgers’ perspective and why they would even do it in the first place.
  2. I don’t think the trade would have taken the Dodgers under the tax line anymore so it makes sense the Dodgers would change things.
  3. If we were willing to trade two top 10 prospects, we’d have Kluber.
  4. Giving up Adams is a fair deal. As long as we don’t give up Adell or Marsh, we come out on top.
  5. You should probably get really upset about it before all the details are out.
  6. Stripling (and Andriese FWIW) was over 50% GB last season which was about top 20 for starters. Anybody know if we have good infield defense?
  7. Lead off against RHP. In between two right handed bats or on the bench against LHP.
  8. What kind of contract would Pederson get in FA next year? Maybe something like Castellanos? Would he decline a QO and net us a comp pick? That’s the only thing I could see making the trade a little better but I do like adding a lefty power bat.
  9. That looks a lot better than the 6 ERA you were predicting earlier.
  10. I said either/or along with being a pessimist so it would only be one of the 3. But it is pretty obtuse of you to miss that.
  11. The entire past decade is evidence that upper 80s wins gets you into the wildcard. Zips, which historically is the most accurate projection, has us projected for upper 80s wins. Ipso facto, you are either purposefully obtuse, an extreme pessimist, or willfully ignorant. Vegas only cares about getting equal money on each side of the wager. Based on clowns like you and others on the board, they are correct to skew low.
  12. Wheeler was offered more money by the White Sox, signing him would have taken us out on Cole, and if Wheeler had waited to sign after Strasburg and Cole, he would have made 6/$150.
  13. If our pitching is as dog shit as half of you say it is, getting one or two of those needle dick FAs wouldn’t have helped anyway. We would have had to sign Cole and Wheeler, and neither of those were close to happening.
  14. We already know that the Indians wanted to build around Marsh for Kluber. I've heard Gray isn't really available right now and Boyd is kind of meh. I think our best bet is for Adams to develop a little more (maybe half a season?). Apparently he is in the 100-150 range right now but should shoot up with a strong performance because of how raw he's been. I think Marsh might be 'too ready' for teams looking to sell off controllable pitching if it looks like he'll be up 2021, but Adams would still be a couple more years away to line up with another team's timeline.
  15. Logan Morrison claimed the cheating went back to 2014. Altuve hit .283 in 2013 and .341 in 2014.
  16. Just like you missing the point again. Altuve and Bregman have been great players. They have also been told what pitches. Maybe they won’t be as great next season if they don’t know what pitches are coming. Bregman hasn’t played a season in which the Astros weren’t potentially cheating.
  17. That is exactly the point. Knowing what pitch is coming is such an advantage, a player as terrible as Brandon Wood could be the best player in the league if he knew what each pitch was going to be.
  18. Way to miss the point. Making it to the Majors proves they have the ability to hit a baseball. And I believe if Brandon Wood, for a full baseball season, knew what every single pitch would be, he would hit at least 80 homeruns. Mike Trout would probably have over 160. Altuve and Bregman are little munchkins.
  19. Brandon Wood would have won MVP if he knew what was coming.
  20. If Scioscia goes to Boston, they can expect a lot of boys from Providence, delivering cannolis.
  21. It’s cheating for the catcher to know what pitch is coming. He should have to catch whatever the pitcher throws.
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