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Everything posted by mmc

  1. We so desperately need another option for the infield. Rengifo isn't MLB ready.
  2. I think we should be buying and selling. Make moves that will improve the team in the future. The players I want us to trade at the deadline are: Harvey Cahill Lucroy Bour Skaggs La Stella One of Calhoun or Goodwin Any reliever other than Anderson, Buttrey, Cole, Middleton, and Robles (except if it's an overpayment) Start moving these guys out no later than a week before the deadline, and then with the assets acquired from these deals + the prospects we already have, start making moves to add to the team for 2020 and beyond.
  3. UFAs are always overpaid. This shouldn't surprise anyone. It's like getting snacks at the movie theater, you know you're overpaying but if you're hungry enough, you'll go for it anyways. To answer your question, Scherzer, Lester, Greinke, Kershaw. Morton and Corbin from this past offseason look good so far.
  4. Had it with this guy. Without a doubt the worst player on our team. Offense immediately dies whenever he gets to plate. Split second away from yet another GIDP. The worst part is now with Simmons injury we're going to be seeing a lot more of him.
  5. 1-2. We'll win today, and then lose the Cahill start, and vs Perez (LHP)
  6. If we aren't a playoff team next year (very real possibility), things could get very interesting at the deadline. Simmons, Skaggs, La Stella, and Robles are all free agents. If we manage to not be in a playoff position, who would you trade and who would you try to keep?
  7. How long before Ausmus realizes Simmons should not be hitting cleanup?
  8. Starting to wonder if maybe we're planning to use Walsh in the bullpen today and that's why he's not starting at 1B.
  9. He is playing tonight https://twitter.com/SaltLakeBees/status/1129488101779181568 /s
  10. Looks like he's sitting for Pujols already.
  11. And you seem to be an asshole. I had seen a lot of other posters say that but, being new to the site myself, I wanted to give you a fair shake. You start a thread wanting to start “discussion” but you ridicule everyone who disagrees with you and resort to insults when you can’t think of an argument. There’s no sense trying to debate something with someone who clearly has no interest in debating.
  12. But my argument was that it wasn’t good when he started? Please stop with the strawman.
  13. I didn’t deny him trading away prospects with good potential. In my original post I said that the Mariners farm wasn’t good when JD started his tenure as GM. That’s a fact.
  14. Your argument to the Mariners farm being good was that players he traded away ended up being good in other teams’ farms? Not sure that’s how that works.
  15. Yeah, how could I possibly live with the fact that someone has a different opinion than me?
  16. Have you paid attention to the Mariners at all? Their farm system wasn’t good when Dipoto started, and the reason they aren’t good now is because Dipoto tore the team down in favor of rebuilding the farm.
  17. We can’t blame him for not exceeding the budget but we absolutely can blame him for the way he used the budget he was given
  18. Right now I’m going to say Dipoto simply because we had an outstanding season under him and made the playoffs (playoff failures aside) and had another +.500 season, whereas we have yet to reach .500 under Eppler. If Eppler’s plan works out I have no doubts he’ll overtake Dipoto for me, but for now I have to give it to the guy with the results.
  19. A better comparison to make would be to leave out all of the moves that weren’t heavily influenced by Arte’s demands. Impossible to tell which moves were and weren’t but I think it would tell a better story of who the better GM is.
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