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Everything posted by mmc

  1. And you seem to be an asshole. I had seen a lot of other posters say that but, being new to the site myself, I wanted to give you a fair shake. You start a thread wanting to start “discussion” but you ridicule everyone who disagrees with you and resort to insults when you can’t think of an argument. There’s no sense trying to debate something with someone who clearly has no interest in debating.
  2. But my argument was that it wasn’t good when he started? Please stop with the strawman.
  3. I didn’t deny him trading away prospects with good potential. In my original post I said that the Mariners farm wasn’t good when JD started his tenure as GM. That’s a fact.
  4. Your argument to the Mariners farm being good was that players he traded away ended up being good in other teams’ farms? Not sure that’s how that works.
  5. Yeah, how could I possibly live with the fact that someone has a different opinion than me?
  6. Have you paid attention to the Mariners at all? Their farm system wasn’t good when Dipoto started, and the reason they aren’t good now is because Dipoto tore the team down in favor of rebuilding the farm.
  7. We can’t blame him for not exceeding the budget but we absolutely can blame him for the way he used the budget he was given
  8. Right now I’m going to say Dipoto simply because we had an outstanding season under him and made the playoffs (playoff failures aside) and had another +.500 season, whereas we have yet to reach .500 under Eppler. If Eppler’s plan works out I have no doubts he’ll overtake Dipoto for me, but for now I have to give it to the guy with the results.
  9. A better comparison to make would be to leave out all of the moves that weren’t heavily influenced by Arte’s demands. Impossible to tell which moves were and weren’t but I think it would tell a better story of who the better GM is.
  10. Should get a nice return for him at the deadline. As good as he's been he won't be needed with all of our young infielders coming up.
  11. He has made plenty of moves that look good on paper. What he hasn't done, is led a team in a big market, with one of the top payrolls in the league, and the best player in the league in his prime, to a record at or above .500 in what is now going to be 4 seasons. Sorry for finding his track record underwhelming?
  12. You know Eppler's done a godawful job when people are praising him for routine cuts.
  13. Yeah, on trash like Bour, Harvey, and Cahill.
  14. Ah yes what will we ever do without our 3rd highest pick in the draft (92nd overall)? Grandal is Grandal but pick 92 could be anything! It could even be Grandal!
  15. Easily Grandal. This team has nothing in the pipeline at Catcher. Getting Grandal would allow us to stop relying on one year deals at that position.
  16. If you think we're better than the Yankees with everyone healthy except for Andujar who is missing the year, you're delusional. They're better than us at every aspect of the game (bullpen, rotation, offense, management). We are 6.5 games behind them with their depleted roster, and you think we're better than them with everyone healthy? Not a chance.
  17. Yet still no one has responded with an explanation of how he's done anything to be considered a good GM.
  18. I don't see it simply because I just don't see the bullpen being able to play this well for so long. With how volatile our starters are I think they'll be too worn out to go on a run down the stretch, as I doubt we will be buying at the deadline and the other contenders will.
  19. Want to actually explain why you believe Eppler is doing a good job, instead of ridiculing those who aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid?
  20. Hilarious post. He missed out on all of Grandal, Corbin, Ramos, Robertson, Harrison, Soria, Gonzalez, Moustakas, Happ, Eovaldi, and Britton, despite trying to sign all of them at some point and ended up with Bour (crap, AAA), Harvey (crap), Cahill (crap), Bourjos (crap), Allen (crap), and Lucroy (crap). He has been around for now his 4th season, and has yet to put together a .500 ball club. He has added 0 impact starting pitchers despite that being our biggest weakness ever since he took over. He hired a complete moron of a manager who everyone ridiculed us for. His biggest free agent (Cozart) has been an absolute disaster. Eppler is a horrendous GM and I'm not sure how anyone can defend him after the disaster of a team he has put together this year, 4 years into his tenure.
  21. The rotation will never improve as long as the moron we have at GM is still around. He's made it abundantly clear he doesn't care one bit about improving the rotation, or at the very least, putting together something MLB caliber. If we extend this dipshit in the offseason I'll have lost all faith in the organization.
  22. Won't happen, that would mean Eppler would have to admit that he made a mistake, which he won't do.
  23. The guy you conveniently left out, Jose Suarez
  24. You have hope for the season because projected bench bats Brian Goodwin and Tommy La Stella are playing better than expected? Seems like it doesn’t take much to get you excited.
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