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arch stanton

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Everything posted by arch stanton

  1. I'm sure the grand poobah of the He-Man Woman Haters club has read your work here and your gold star has been overnighted to you
  2. I've disliked this obnoxious camera whoring tower of babble for 45 years. I reserve the right to call him whatever comes to mind
  3. I thought the orange assface moved the embassy to Jerusalem?
  4. That's a bummer. He's a big guy who wasn't a great skater to begin with
  5. If the Arabs start taking Palestinian refugees the Israelis will empty out the West Bank in no time
  6. The Trout thing is low hanging fruit for anyone trying to stir shit. Grow a pair of balls and find a new pot to stir
  7. I was also a military guy who dealt with this so I'll throw my 2 cents. Plenty of women perfectly capable. Plenty more not. Same went with the men I worked with. My beef is that the brass refused to raise the performance floor across the board and thus left those of us who were competent and serious about the job overworked and still vulnerable to the possibly deadly effects of the incompetent boobs (no pun intended) who surrounded us. But military ops is life and death. This is baseball. The game is changing and the manager's job is changing. He/she/it takes a lot more instruction from the micromanagers upstairs. The job is more coordinator than manager. As far as being able to lead men, we don't know until we try.Adding women to the mix adds to the pool of candidates which logically should create better options. Could she be worse than some of what we've already seen?
  8. I don't believe anyone will offer that much and I'm not talking about a short term deal. I'm talking about offering something like 8yrs $250 mil as a landing spot if he can't pitch effectively post-surgery. You give the opt out after 2 years if it looks like he can return to 2-way dominance and chase the $50 mil seasons. And it gives the signing club first dibs at offering the bigger money down the road. It protects the signing team from paying $400 mil to a DH in his 30's and gives Ohtani a soft landing if he isn't able to pitch.
  9. Maybe he gets a deal that pays for his bat only with an opt out after 2 years when/if he's ready to pitch
  10. It sure seems like both Hamas and the Israeli government have agendas here that don't include caring about killing innocents on the other side and neither has any thought of ending this conflict that is a cash cow for them
  11. Someone else would have to go on LTIR to take him off but they can't keep him on if he clears medical and wants to play. He's a bit touched so who knows what he actually wants
  12. I learned it in Songtan City while buzzing on a patented mixture of soju and Bacchus D
  13. After reading more than 12 thousand of his posts you really believe that guy has anything remotely resembling a sense of humor?
  14. Get a 5 gallon water jug. Add 1/3 bag of Jack Daniel's wood chips and 4 oz of pure maple syrup. Wrap a paper towel over the top and rubber band it. Once a week put the cap on and give it one gentle turn upside down to mix it then return the paper towel After 6 weeks strain it through cheesecloth then through coffee filters into a sealable glass jar and cut it to between 90 and 95 proof. It's drinkable at this point but better with a few more week to steep
  15. He comes from the Trotz/Lamoreillo-built Islanders. He was the fill-in when one of the "Identity Line" guys was out. Defend. Slow it down. Hit anything that goes into a board battle
  16. You gotta have a bottom 6 who understand the role and are defensively responsible
  17. But since they were the originating team they can demote him
  18. Only the Jets could give them 8 years and I think Hellebuyck realized that the last 2 Cup winners were Darcy Kuemper and Aden Hill. Maybe Scheifele still thinks he can end up in Boston once they clear some money
  19. There was a catcher on those Astros teams that manages a bit. I believe the name is Ausmus?
  20. Looks like Scheifele and Hellebuyck signed identical 7 x 8.5 contracts and Hellebuyck has full no move for this season. That changes the situation for goalies like Gibson who could be trade bait
  21. In the past 2 years Kroenke teams have won the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, and NBA championship and his English Premier League team is a legit title contender for years to come. He or Vegas Golden Knights owner Bill Foley are my wish list for the Angels
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