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Rally Gorilla

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Posts posted by Rally Gorilla

  1. 1 minute ago, Dochalo said:

    Eppler's moves have to work at some point.  Do you think Arte was responsible for Cahill, Harvey, Lucroy and Allen?  

    I am not saying that is all Eppler should be judged by, by it's part of what needs to be considered.  

    FTR, I want Eppler extended.  I think he's a very good GM and I'd agree that he's had limited opportunities.  But performance at the major league level is ultimately what's gonna make or break his ability to stay employed with the halos.  Not totally fair considering his circumstances but I can see where he needs to be held accountable for that.    

    Do you think Cahill, Harvey, Lucroy and Allen were Epplers firsth choices?   He was picking from the bargain bin because of Arte's self-imposed penny-pinching on lower PR moves.

  2. 20 minutes ago, ettin said:

    You get mad at a supposed deal that didn't happen yet completely ignore the fact that he spent $245M to bring the best third baseman in baseball to the Angels for the next 7 years?

    That is a weird expectation.

    Arte has consistently shown he will spend big on big PR splash moves.....then he forces his GM's to dumpster dive for everyone else.     I love the Rendon signing....I think it was a good move and worth the risk.    I can't wait to see him play.     But then Arte nixed the Stripling/Pederson deal that could have really helped Rendon's contributions translate into wins....and made us one of the WC favorites.     

  3. 9 minutes ago, Dochalo said:

    what do you disagree with?  that Eppler should be held somewhat accountable for the success of the major league club?  


    I think I said what I disagree with.   Who said Eppler shouldn't be accountable?       I think he's done a fantastic job in spite of Arte's screwing up the team.     Arte forces big PR splash moves to sell tickets and get huge TV contracts....then he won't spend even a small percent of his gains to clean up the mess when guys like Hamilton crash and burn.    He also won't spend on little moves when we need it to get balance....I guess that doesn't fit his advertising mentality.   And threatening Eppler's job unless he "wins now," right after nixing a deal that would  have helped that.....is unbelievable.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    Jesus.  If Arte didn’t explicitly say this team needs to actually win now in 2020, the Arte haters would say all he cares about is selling 3 million tickets, furious he wasn’t focused on winning and winning now.


    He just said Eppler needs to win now to renew his contract....after nixing a deal that would have helped us win now w/o sacrificing the team's future.       IMHO, he screws things up by making big PR spash moves, then getting rediculously rigid and cheap when it comes to less flashy moves.     It has improved his net worth.....but the team hasn't won a playoff game in 10 years.       Haters?   That's your wording.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Stradling said:

    Yea well Arte can’t be fired.  So if he’s the problem there’s zero solution. 

    Yep.   Unless he cashes out....which I don't see happening.   I guess he could learn to stop f'ing things up by supporting only high PR moves, put his ego in check,  and let the GM build a balanced team....but it sure doesn't seem like things are heading in that direction.   

  6. 5 hours ago, Dochalo said:

    All the infrastructure and foundation level improvements are not lost on me but at some point, it needs to show up at the major league level.  The team as constructed should be good for about 85+ wins.  If poor performance leads to fewer than that, then maybe it is time to re-evaluate whether Billy is the right guy for the job.  

    Couldn't disagree more.    Eppler has done some really fantastic things to bring the team back from the dead while giving us a shot at being playoff team at the same time.   Arte tells Eppler  "win now or lose your job!".....right after he nixed a deal that would have helped us win now.   A deal that would not have hurt the team's future.   Sorry, IMHO Arte is the problem.    

    The only consistent winner over the last decade has been Arte's net worth.   Yeah for that, I guess.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Inside Pitch said:

    Do you consider Bauer a front line type?   Check what he went for last year.   

    From:  https://www.mlb.com/news/every-deal-made-during-2019-trade-deadline-season 

    "The Indians received a pair of slugging outfielders in Yasiel Puig and Franmil Reyes while also stocking their farm system with a trio of prospects. Left-handed pitcher Scott Moss was ranked as the Reds' No. 12 prospect by MLB Pipeline, while Victor Nova is a 19-year-old third baseman in the Rookie-level Arizona League. Logan Allen, a left-handed pitcher, made his Major League debut with the Padres on June 18 but was optioned to Triple-A on July 27."

    Without knowing a ton about Reyes or the three prospects, it's pretty hard for me to say if this was an overpay for Bauer or a bargain.     

  8. 23 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    It’s entirely possible that Eppler went to Arte and said he had the pieces to swing a trade for Pederson and Stripling now, or he could wait and pull the trigger - maybe using some of the same pieces later in the year - for a frontline arm. 

    Could be Eppler was fine proceeding either way and wanted the boss to weigh in and be the swing vote, or wanted to check in on how a trade now or midseason could affect the payroll and money he has to work with. Eppler knows his job is on the line, why not tap into the guy who will decide his fate for his thoughts if Eppler is comfortable with either decision?

    Everything doesn’t have to be a conspiracy or a sign of drama. 

    So, you think that frontline pitching becomes cheaper during the season?   So much cheaper that you can get a top guy for the off season price of a mid-level guy?   That doesn't ring true for me at all.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Pancake Bear said:

    He said today he did. He also said he didn’t want a 4-5 type (which Stripling isn’t) - only a frontline pitcher. 

    Geez....so, he won't overpay for front-of-the-rotation guys  (which I agree with)....but he also won't allow his GM to bring in a solid mid-level guy like Stripling?    That doesn't pass the smell test.     And he also chooses the same time to talk about firing his GM if he doesn't win in 2020?      

  10. 19 minutes ago, Pancake Bear said:

    Arte nixing the Stripling trade was unbelievably stupid. If we miss the playoffs it’ll be his fault. Eppler will be well rid of that jackass. 

    Uh, no. He approves the money. That isn’t what we’re complaining about. What he absolutely shouldn’t be doing is overruling Eppler on baseball decisions. 

    Arte pulling the Stripling deal because he’s a ‘4-5 type’ not a frontline pitcher shows Arte has zero business making those decisions. How many times does it have to backfire on him before he stays the hell in his own effing lane?

    Do we know for sure Arte nixed the deal?   I haven't been following it that closely, but I thought that the Dodgers never wanted to give up Pederson and Stripling so they nixed the deal once they found a way to keep them without exceeding salary limits. 

  11. IMHO, Eppler has done a great job while being handicapped by Arte's past poor contract decisions and strange penny pinching rules.   Arte will spend huge money on high PR moves like Pujols, Trout and Rendon....then go into rigid self-imposed budget lockdown for lesser deals...forcing his GM to dumpster dive.    If Eppler gets fired, good luck finding a top rate GM who will want to take his place. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, RendZone said:

    Oh I know about his past but if someone can’t find peace in their life playing under Maddon’s watch and with Trout, Ohtani, Pujols and Rendon. It’s the end of the road. 

    It's funny you chose Trout, Ohtani, and Pujols....because all three of them are exceptionally mentally tough and all three of them give 100% respect and effort to the game.      I think their reactions to being in a clubhouse with Puig would be less than positive.

    EDIT:   I don't know Rendon as much as the other three....but, I'd guess he wouldn't be excited about spending a whole season dealing with a lazy idiot teammate either.

  13. 7 minutes ago, RendZone said:

    “Now I think I'll work hard more than any year in my life."



    Perfect time to sign him for a cheap one year deal. Maybe he hasn’t had a chance to play for a perfect organization yet. 

    Maybe he could be a good example of what not to do for younger Angels players.   Maddon can call them all over and say "See kids, this is what happens when you waste God-given talent by becoming a lazy j.o....nobody want's to be a Puig."     

  14. 50 minutes ago, RendZone said:

    WE the fans put these guys on their pedestals, WE cheer them, WE buy their jerseys, WE make sure to attend their bobblehead giveaways, WE vote them into All Star Games, WE help inflate their egos, WE help pay their enormous salaries. It’s really tough to kick them off of the pedestals that we built for them. 

    Baseball is back. Let’s enjoy the games. 

    I'm not really sure I understand your point.  They've screwed up the AL West for several years by tanking  (no fun to watch) and then using their ill-gotten draft picks and cheating to walk away with the division  (also, no fun to watch).   They've selfishly cheated and disrespected the game....I think opposing teams and fans have a right to be unhappy with them.  They were arrogant before getting caught and they are staying arrogant even after being busted.    Now they are getting the anger and disrespect they have earned.  Not sure what pedestals have to do with anything.

  15. 14 hours ago, GregAlso said:

    Resurrecting this because I feel much different about this now. After the Astros pathetic attempt at an apology and today Correa blasting back at Bellinger I say come on down. Come and express all your anger at Houston. It’ll be a party and we can enjoy the extra heckling of this hated team. Anybody else change their mind?

    Correa thinks he is building team unity by defending Altuve.   I think what he really is doing is proving again that these guys just don't get it....bringing even more well-deserved hate down on the Garbage Pail Kids. 

  16. 10 hours ago, RBM said:

    I agree. His numbers are even better than this. 2017 wasn't shortened by injury. He played 152 combined games with the Tigers and Angels.

    I was misreading things.   Yeah, Upton actually put up a 5.8 WAR in 2017  (5.3 with the Tigers and .5 with the Halos).   Heck of a season.  


    EDIT:   So, the corrected info....Upton has averaged a 2.6 WAR over his 13 seasons....and only has really had one season shortened by injury....2019.    They guy has been even more solid than I thought.   Can't wait to see what he does this season.

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