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Everything posted by 70runner

  1. There's a boatload of LHP in the ALW waiting for Hamilton. If he doesn't exorcise the LHP demons 800 ops will be a dream.
  2. A's are young and can pitch. Texas is aging a bit, but Choo will light some fire in the offense. Seattle, decent pitching plus Cano. Angels, remain short on pitching and too dependent on fading old guys. Houston would finish low in AAA div.
  3. I suppose you could put me in the failio bucket as well, although I think Scioscia has the full year to get this team to the playoffs. Another slow start probably won't get him fired but missing the playoffs again will (or should). So much depends on what still amounts to an average pitching staff. The offense was decent last year and likely won't be any better this year. All this hope and wishing won't turn Pujols into a masher. Can Hamilton exorcise the LHP demons that plagued him last year? Both these guys are aging, Pujols struggling with health issues. We got Trout but we had him last year too. Texas looks stronger, the Mariners are stronger and the A's look solid. 4th place battle with Houston? Possible, especially if the team stumbles again out of the gate...while Scioscia tells everyone how many games they play in a season.
  4. "Likely" is in the eye of the beholder. I was simply offering a counter to the notion that this couldn't possibly be true. There is substantial evidence of this behavior in the same timeframe as Pujols family immigrated to the US. Who's to say someone didn't think he had a good chance to eventually play MLB, someone who could adjust birth records to improve the path to that chance. Either way, we're stuck with the guy whether 34 or 37, hoping he'll somehow regain his stroke.
  5. One thing is for certain, Pug has the maturity of a 10yr old. As to Pujols, "of course" he's EXACTLY the age specified by his Dominican Republic birth cert. Let's see, why would anyone doctor a Dom Rep BC?...hmmmm...perhaps gain a 2-4 year advantage on other athletes, light up 15yr old pitching as an 18yr old, free ride through college as a man with talent feasting on pitchers just learning how to shave, MILLIONS of dollars in MLB awaiting for families persisting on per-capita incomes of low 4 digits. Of course no one would do that. Except these: Miguel Tejada, Wandy Rodriguez, Ramon Ortiz, and this 2003 report by the LA Times/Chicago Tribune "In all, Major League Baseball has found about 550 cases of fraudulent identity--either false birth dates or names--for Latin American players in the last two years, 99 percent from the Dominican Republic." Pujols was drafted by St Louis in 1999. "Blind speculation"?, perhaps, but not exactly unprecedented.
  6. Your English teacher would be proud. Decent return on Trumbo, now if the two mega contracts can start hitting again...
  7. I'm not as enamored with the MOTO as some around here. With few exceptions, the lineup is old and slow, not exactly a good fit for Scioscia based on the last several years. Sure, Pujols could find his swing assuming his aging body remains healthy. Hamilton could exorcise the LHP demons. Two big "ifs" IMO. The good news is (1) Trout and (2) they were a decent offensive club without Pujols and with Hamilton flailing against LHP. Must get younger. Filling out the rotation remains a big challenge. Richards has the stuff to become a legit starter (don't trade him plz). Can Weavs continue to be successful with a 84-85mph fastball? We all hope so...
  8. I'd respond, but too bizzie with my daily chores...
  9. If you like your Tanaka, you can keep your Tanaka
  10. Of course it must be nonsense if you don't agree with it. Never said it was impossible for Pujols or Hamilton to bounce back. Go read it again. I said it is becoming less and less likely given their ages. If you want to hang your hat on wishing and hoping for aging players to rediscover their magic, go for it. This team is old and getting older. That's not doom and gloom its fact.
  11. Beyond Trout and a couple SPs, it boils down to lotsa hope and needed change. Hope that Pujols and Hamilton somehow return to previous form, becoming more and more unlikely as they slide down the mid 30s ravine. Even if Pujols starts hitting again, the guy is a slug on defense and the base paths. At least Hamilton can still run and play D, tho he's basically an out walking to the plate against LHP. Freese, yet another 30s guy saddled with the hope he rebounds tag. Change must come, the most obvious area being SP of course, but also in the gutted farm system. Must get younger. This franchise could benefit from a field management change, the current regime has become stale and unproductive. Plz no more long term manager contracts.
  12. So a bit of perspective: 28 pages and no AO Angels have added ANOTHER aging field player that we HOPE will rebound Whatever Dipoto does, Mikey will mold the parts into the slow starting, underperforming crew we've become accustomed to
  13. Realistically, there are probably only 3 teams willing to throw that much money/years at an over 30 guy. Of course the Angels, along with the doggies and Yanks. One of them will do 220-240M for 7-8yrs. Someone plz tell Arte he's already signed...
  14. The going rate for: Guaranteed contact plays Lineup cards with a .250 hitter who can't run hitting 3rd instead of the best player in baseball Recent trend of slow starts providing ample opportunity for nut swingers to remind the rest of us how long the season is Dumping one of the best power hitting catchers ever to suit up for the Angels because "I still think there is a lot of upside of what our team can become with Vernon." Unswerving allegiance to his lifelong coaching buddies regardless of job performance/results worth every penny
  15. Angels are 0-2 with recent over 30 mega contracts, 0-3 if you count Scioscia, so lets do another one. Brilliant.
  16. Seize the neutral ground...hope that an older and slower Pujols will rake, Hamilton will exorcise his LHP demons, the team finds some pitching, and Scioscia dumps the silly contact play. If not, we'll be complaining about the choice in new manager next winter.
  17. that's IT...we need more pithers! Weaver & Vargas, CJ, Richards...it's one thing to be optimistic, but labeling this crew as formidable/formidible is a huge stretch as to quality players Pujols & Hamilton having improved numbers...perhaps, but these two are well into their sunsets with the probability of improvement diminishing rapidly
  18. Perhaps, but there is little evidence to support it. Hamilton peaked in 2010-11 and is now well into his downslope. He looked better at the end, tho even with that surge hit .250 for the year. He remains anemic (.201) against LHP. He may enjoy spurts but his consistency is gone. Pujols, even if he can run again, is still a slug. His downslope is well established. With another year on an aging body, a turnaround is unlikely. Good news is, even with these downslope guys clogging up the MOTO, the Angels can score runs, still have the best player in the game, and if they do get some pitching may get back in the hunt.
  19. The state of Angel's baseball...trade a young MOTO power hitter with potential and bank on two old MOTO hitters with long term, large contracts and little/no potential. Those ragging on Trumbo, hope you enjoy watching these old guys collect their huge paychecks. Oh, yea, and a team managed by another long term, large contract guy. How's that working out lately?
  20. Once great hitter now on the downslope of his career, in his 30s and looking for someone stupid enough to give him a long term mega contract. A perfect fit for the TRIFECTA!
  21. Good to be optimistic, however... Pujols is old (perhaps beyond the certificate), heavy, and has been dealing with health problems for several years. Even when healthy, he's a slug on the field. He'll hit .250 and challenge HK for GIDP award. At some point Scioscia will be told to move him out of the 3rd slot in the order. Hamilton can still run and play OF. Unless he exorcises the LHP demons, .260 will be likely. After watching him hit against LHP last year, AL west teams are likely loading up on LH relievers. $40M for 2 average hitters on the wrong side of 30. Ugh.
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