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Everything posted by 70runner

  1. Cherokee ad "I love you California": nominated as worst commercial ever
  2. somewhere Dipoto is LOL at Iannetta (1) playing and (2) not bunting
  3. old: check slow: check large contract: check he'll fit right in
  4. Even Calhoun seems to have caught the dreaded Joyce/Iannetta hitting disease.
  5. This has been a very ordinary team from ST. Too old, too slow, too much Iannetta, too much Joyce, too much Scioscia.
  6. Yea, they talked about it. Gia was pumped when he scored and the A's broadcast showed him slapping the helmet of Calhoun on his way past after scoring. Calhoun looked back at Gia after that, apparently not happy. Then Calhoun looked like crap at the plate, walked back and confronted Gia. Someone mentioned he was acting like a bitch, an accurate assessment IMO. Nothing from the Angels broadcast crew?
  7. I like Navarro in there, anywhere. Won't matter tonight tho...
  8. Interesting contrast Padres, high expectations, average payroll, average performance: fire manager Angels, high expectations, top 10 payroll, average performance: tip the cap/turn the page
  9. 2 decent hitters ahead of Trout to start the game...I like it. Two changes: dump the catcher platoon, Iannetta on the pine where he belongs. More Navarro in LF, better hitter AND better fielder. Gio Calhoun Trout Pujols Freese Perez Navarro Joyce Aybar
  10. http://tikiandtierney.radio.cbssports.com/2015/06/10/mike-scioscia-well-be-looking-at-some-changes/ Joyce & Freese beware
  11. logical pessimism should NOT BE TOLERATED!
  12. True, however, new leadership might get rid of the stupid contact play, the silly catcher platoon, guaranteed lineup spot for Joyce, and tip-the-cap clubhouse mentality.
  13. Good Stanley Cup game, infinitely preferable to watching Scioscia and his vets getting wasted in NY
  14. He is looking better at the plate. The low GIDPs suggest he's adapting to the shifts and more selective at the plate, not trying to yank everything. Lets hope it's more than a spurt, so teams will have to pitch to Trout more often.
  15. Bow and arrow dance with Trout was all the more entertaining as it was directed at Rodney the bleep. The pods dugout stare down was silly. Who would pitch to Trout with the game on the line and .220 something Pujols up next, the same guy who couldn't even foul one off with runners on 2nd/3rd with no outs? No one in this hemisphere. Just run to first base and enjoy the RARE moment when you actually deliver at the plate. Leave out the stare downs. The postgame quotes were probably off a teleprompter - what else would he say???
  16. The "if Pujols turns it around" sentiment is fools gold. What you see is what you get and a main reason Trout collects lotsa walks. Except in those cases where the manager bunts someone over ahead of Trout...nearly as stupid as the contact play. This team is old & slow. They look like an average bunch, even with Trout & Richards. At some point, an Angels FO type may recognize that youth, speed, defense, and athleticism are worthy of consideration when building a lineup.
  17. contact play - with Trout coming up - BRILLIANT!
  18. difference, yes, but the only thing gigantic about Pujols is his contract
  19. Krauss - Freese - Joyce - Cron: OMG not that Pujols makes much difference, but at least he's barely hitting his weight
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