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Everything posted by yk9001

  1. You are talking about Lifetime, correct? I see this morning that he shat upon several different threads again yesterday. I like AO. While he repeats the same three or four mantras, they are at least his original mantras. Not like the other guy, who never has had an original thought in his life - just an unfunny hyena picking through the carcasses of other people's threads.
  2. If Scioscia sends Jerome to the pen and keeps starting Blanton, that would be about the Scioscia-iest move that Scioscia's ever done.
  3. Its an interesting dynamic. A surprising number of posters just flat out hate cops. The flak for firefighters here is pretty high, but I think its mostly kinda done in fun (except for when someone gets all pissed off because their uncle is a firefighter or something). I think people hate the pensions more than the firemen themselves.
  4. Second weekend home series already with Houston. Who did Arte piss of in the Major League offices?
  5. But can he tell you where your left hand should be positioned on the bat when you swing at an outside pitch, like Gubi?
  6. At least the Yankees got one good month out of him.
  7. I didn't realize how anti-cop a large percentage of the board was until the thread about the kid in long beach who pointed a garden nozzle at a cop and got shot. Seemed to be almost Lifetime-dislike for the cops. I was surprised.
  8. I clicked on something on espn recently and it still said "Welcome MLScout82". I have no idea what it was I was even trolling. Other boards? Our board?
  9. WHY DIDN'T ARTE FIND A GREAT CLOSER FROM THE FAR EAST OR EUROPE? [/killing two birds w one stone]
  10. Most of the time, the headline is all you need for a hearty laugh.
  11. New, Improved Google Maps Lets User Launch Missile At Any Location On Globe Yahoo Back On Top After Purchasing Millions Of 13-Year-Old Girls’ Blogs My favorite 17-Year Cicadas Horrified To Learn About 9/11
  12. I don't follow all the day to day stuff. Great update. Thanks.
  13. Chuck, google Simers and the SD Chargers. The Angels are about last on his list of subjects that he takes shots at.
  14. Based on the reactions by this board, he's the most read columnist on the internet.
  15. Chuck, he does this with EVERY LA - Orange county team. EVERY one he thinks is relevant. UCLA football http://deadspin.com/5963377/tj-simers-believes-ucla-threw-the-stanford-game-and-hijacked-jim-mora-jrs-press-conference-to-prove-it USC football http://articles.latimes.com/2012/oct/24/sports/la-sp-1025-simers-usc-football-20121025 UCLA basketball http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/02/sports/la-sp-0403-simers-ucla-alford-20130403 Lakers http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jan/05/sports/la-sp-simers-lakers-20130106 Clippers http://articles.latimes.com/2013/may/01/sports/la-sp-simers-clippers-20130502 Dodgers http://articles.latimes.com/2012/sep/11/sports/la-sp-0912-simers-dodgers-20120912-1 Anybody else I am missing, he doesn't think is relevant. I can understand not liking Simers, if his style isn't your cup of tea. But if you think he "has it out" for your team, you are insanely off-base.
  16. Really, Chuck? THAT was a shot at the Angels? People will find any reason to be offended.
  17. It is of course impossible to compare players of different eras. But I look at body types, body shapes, weights of different eras. Guys today train year round. The science is so much better now. Here is a comparison you can make (different sport). But there is very little difference from 40 years ago to today in kicking an NFL field goal. Jan Stenerud is an NFL Hall of Fame kicker. One of the first soccer style kickers, he was so good that he was voted into the hall of fame. For his career, he was a 67% fg kicker. Today, a 67% NFL kicker would be cut by Thanksgiving.
  18. And the fact that they added the crack of the bat and crowd noise sound effects... fails the sniff test.
  19. I decided to change things up by changing the name by one integer value. And this board's prolonged fascination withe Escobar's junk has been so gay for so long. And yes, there is something wrong with that.
  20. It never ends with these jackoffs. http://deadspin.com/this-might-be-the-worst-double-play-call-youll-see-509850714
  21. That pic was awesome. It had diapers, right? In an airport I think.
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