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Everything posted by Hubs

  1. Bridwell was always a starter, and Ramirez went down with TJ. Pena has been long relief, and a starter in the minors but I bet he starts 20 for the Angels this year. They’ll have 6 in the rotation sometimes.
  2. Capital Dave actually is at 823. So maybe I should go higher. I went slightly over 5 runs, maybe I should up it.
  3. 764 - dochalo 730 - Angel dog and beer 811 - Hubs
  4. Absolutely. The Yankees and Red Sox both look good, and they have some weak teams in that division, but the AL West will be a lot closer than it has been in the last two years. Remember, the A's were picked to win 74 and won 97 games in 2018.
  5. The Downtown LA area would make a lot of sense. Except the Dodgers are basically in Downtown LA. Growing up, I never realized how close, because we'd get off Stadium Way off the 5, and Downtown was off the 110. But as an adult, you realize how close they are. The old convention center NFL plan is the best stadium plan I've seen in for LA.
  6. And we'll also presumably be interested in bringing back Matt Harvey as well. I don't think Harvey will require a commitment the size of Cole, but if he has a good year, they will try to bring him back. And Trevor Bauer and Jacob DeGrom will be targets in 2020, or during the 2020-2021 offseason.
  7. Yeah I forgot LaStella. But he has options while Cowart did not, and I didn’t think Cowart would clear waivers. It’s down to Ward or Fletcher if they go with 13 pitchers. I do think Ward takes the starting third base spot sooner than later but maybe not to open the season, and Ohtani will be back soon too, so we’ll see.
  8. I was wondering what the roster would look like in 2019, I've heard 8 relievers and 3 bench spots. But it could as easily be 7 and 4. I wonder if Cowart makes the team out of ST. Is that 4 OF (Trout, Calhoun, Upton, Bourjos), 6 or 7 INF (Pujols, Fletcher, Simmons, Cozart, Bour, Ward/Cowart) and 2 C (Lucroy, Smith)? When Ohtani comes up, one of the INF likely go down, right? Then you have the five starters (Cahill, Harvey, Skaggs, Pena, Barria) and 7 or 8 relievers (Allen, Bedrosian, Garcia, Robles, Buttrey, Anderson, Jennings, Bard?, Cole?) And if that's the case in 2020, when the rosters expand to 26, but can only have 13 pitchers... Do they have a 6 man rotation again? How many two way players will make the team? For 2020, I can see a roster of 4 OF (Trout, Upton, Adell, Bourjos), 5 INF (Pujols, Cozart, Simmons, Ward, Bour/Thaiss), a UTIL (Fletcher), 1 or 2 INF/OF/RP (Walsh, Cowart), 2 C (Lucroy, Smith). DH/SP (Ohtani), 5 Additional SP (FA Starter #1 / Harvey, Skaggs, Heaney, Barria, Canning) and then 6 or 7 additional relievers (Closer, Buttrey, Middleton, Anderson, Robles, Jerez, Cole). The problem is you have to list Ohtani and the two other two way players as pitchers until they get their 2 way status, or they can only pitch in blow outs or extra innings. I think it's possible Cowart gets 20 ML innings this year, he'll pitch in every blow out. For Ohtani, that happens by the end of April when he gets to 20 innings. For relievers, that's a lot harder to get to. By getting Cowart major league innings this year, he becomes versatile, but it's a risk, because he's never pitched before. I also believe they are going to slightly alter the rule saying rookies (who have rookie status, can be designated 2 way players if they have met the 20 innings and 20 games as a hitter in AAA in the previous year.)
  9. 2020 - I think you are jumping the gun with Hermosillio vs. Lund. It depends of course on how 2019 goes for Kole Calhoun. You are expecting him not to be resigned, if Adell establishes himself. While I don't think Marsh is going to be the 4th OF, with Adell as the presumptive RF, it's more likely they go with a veteran as the 4th OF, and Lund/Hermosillio/Walsh as the 5th OF. 2020 - 2B looks good, excited to see this. 2020 - 3B Ward is going to be the established starter by then. Cozart is the backup. Rojas breathing down his neck in AAA. 2020 - Rotation - Ohtani, Heaney, and Skaggs are the only sure things. The other two (or three) spots could be Gerrit Cole, DeGrom, or Matt Harvey, or Jaimie Barria, or Canning, etc. way too early to see how this shapes up. 2020 - 1B Matt Thaiss vs. Justin Bour vs. Albert Pujols vs. Walsh 2020 - Adell and Marsh may compete, we'll see. Adell has the significant edge here, but Marsh should be in AAA by the end of this year. Other Future Battles 2020 - Closer - Allen may be brought back, otherwise, it could be Buttrey, Middleton, Anderson or someone entirely new. 2021 - 2B At this point, Jones should be ready, so it's his job to lose. 2021 - Simmons Back at SS, or Fletcher/ Rengifo/ Someone new comp? 2021 - 1B Thaiss vs. Walsh? 2021 - Rotation Anchored by Heaney, Canning, and Ohtani, and a presumptive FA Starter. Who's the 5th guy? Skaggs?
  10. Also, Fletcher is not a 4-5 WAR SS. Simmons bat has definitely been an asset, but his defense is so elite, that it gives him a huge bump. Fletcher's 2 WAR in 2018 was misleading, I think, he's probably getting a huge bump defensively for his work at multiple positions. Fletcher would have to arguably equal Zack Cozarts 2017, because Cozart was likely the best SS defensively in the NL that year (Simmons being the best in the NL)...and had to hit to a .900+ OPS to get to 5 WAR.
  11. Any other major free agent acquisitions or trades will undoubtably on the pitching side. Gerritt Cole is a FA next offseason, Trevor Bauer and Jacob DeGrom the year after that. And Bauer remember only supposedly wants one-year contracts, which to me is bizarre, but ok.
  12. Ya, I actually thought about this, I do think it's legit possible. More likely he goes to the Phillies. We don't know if the Angels Mega Superstar's new contract is a replacement of his last two years, or an extension, and how that affects the luxury tax threshold. If he was willing to give some dollars up in salary this year and next... maybe.
  13. I really hope the Angels win the World Series THIS YEAR...even more than most years, so they can prove all the doubters wrong.
  14. I hope Ward breaks out like Chapman or Bregman have. Even if he doesn't hit the numbers that they did, but those two both struggled at first and then straight out dominated.
  15. Bour is a better hitter than Valbuena (RIP) or Cron or Marte or Fernandez. Remember that he was basically their only power threat in the lineup other than Realmuto in the first half of 2018 and in 2017 he was legit. If he plays like he did in 2017, it will be hard to keep him out of the lineup in favor of Pujols. I'd also hope Cozart and Upton do what they did in 2017, this offense may be top 3 if that all happens.
  16. For me this is the key. I look at the entire AL, and I don't see a front runner without questions. The Red Sox didn't get better, they arguably are worse, but still have a formidable offense and pitching staff. The Yankees got better? I suppose, but did they get a lot better? Is their rotation better? No. The Rays are better with Morton on their staff, but they also gave up Cron, who fueled their offense in 2018. The Orioles and Blue Jays are not expected to be contenders. The Indians arguably got worse. The Twins might be better?? The White Sox, Royals, and Tigers are all not contenders. The Rangers could be better, the Angels should be better, the A's surprised last year, and could be similar, or they could be much worse, and the Mariners totally reconfigured their team. The Astros lost 3/5 of their rotation, replaced Marwin Gonzalez with no one. Michael Brantley is hardly ever healthy. They have offense and rotation questions. ZIPS has them having the 2nd most wins behind the Yankees, but I see them similar to the Dodgers of 2018, actually winning far less games than projected, and being in a division race with the Angels and A's in September.
  17. Just remember 02 was 6-14 to start the season.
  18. Agreed. At this point one year ago we didn’t have anything significant at any infield position and nothing much in the upper minors. There were questionable backups at every position. Their bench is stronger and their lineup is as well. Pitching wise they aren’t significantly better in the rotation than last year maybe a little worse but the team also had so many injuries that we never really got to see how that would’ve worked. The one is better and they have a legit closer
  19. I’d pay that. Try to get him for 18 AAV. 2nd round draft picks are sometimes Patrick Corbin or Tyler Chatwood and sometimes they are Ryan Mount or PJ Phillips. They’ve drafted quality in the 2nd round recently, but none of those picks have made it to the majors yet, so... https://www.baseball-reference.com/draft/?team_ID=ANA&draft_round=2&draft_type=junreg&query_type=franch_round 3. Dallas was better than people think over the past three years since he won a Cy Young. He gives up hits but doesn’t give up runs. He made 34 starts, which no one on the Angels did. 4. We’re likely in on Gerritt Cole in 2020 FA, it might affect that, although I think Calhoun and Allen are likely gone for 2020 which will save some money. Keuchel would push the budget, no doubt. Cozart is gone after 2020, Simmons and Trout do need to be resigned but while I expect Simmons to get a 25% raise over his cash payroll amount around $16M, Trout will not get 25% more than the 34M he currently makes.
  20. Also the three batter thing is only three batters, if they start an inning with no outs. Technically, with a runner on first and one out, the new reliever, technically can only throw one pitch, get a double play, and be done.
  21. The new rule doesn't go into effect until 2020, so, if Walsh gets his 20 innings at the ML level this year, he'd immediately qualify as a 2-way for 2020. The Angels don't have a clear left handed relief pitcher in the pen on their 40-man right now, except I suppose Peters, who is probably more of a starter. I expect Jennings to be there, but he's not on the team yet. And they have a full 40-man, and they have to add Peter Bourjos as well, so even by transferring a player like Middelton to the 60-Day DL. I don't see how they could give three guys not on the 40 spots. Middleton gets you one, but then they risk losing people on waivers. Cowart is on the 40-man, and will likely be on the team as he is out of options. He or LaStella, anyway, makes the team. That might give you one spot. I do also feel that they may alter this rule before it goes into effect to be able to designate 2-way players as rookies if they qualified it in AAA the previous season. But they still must have rookie eligibility for this exception.
  22. Jones was a 2B in high school, so he's played the position before. But I do think if Mike Moustakas can do it, anyone can. And I am really excited about his potential. My prospect rankings would have him 4th behind Adell, Canning, and Marsh.
  23. I need to see more from Rengifo before I'd make him a starter. Jam Jones is the future at 2nd, Ward at 3rd. Don't disagree with you about Marsh either, except I think his timeline due to his injuries is 2021. Upton is under contract for 2019-2022. That last year, assuming Trout is Resigned and Adell is in Right, then Marsh may push Upton to 1B. Thaiss is ready now, and likely will see major league action, but I agree, if Walsh can hit in AAA, and pitch there, he's likely called up before Thaiss. He can play the OF and 1B, and be a RP.
  24. I think with the Heaney news, they will look at those two FA. They do have depth, but it looks a lot better later in the season than the first two months.
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