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Everything posted by Rollinghard

  1. Lot of people picking Snell but not much comment on why. I picked him too. Mostly based off his interview after the WS. Dude seriously studies the game/hitters and wants to win. It matters to him. He truly hates losing. Not all MLPs have this attribute.
  2. Mr. Olympia does not make a MLBP. Oh and by the way, elite-level athleticism includes eye hand coordination and the ability to track a moving object on the run. Just watch the video when he robs Springer of a HR. He was lucky he didn't lose that one too.
  3. Bauer and Snell = Playoffs (when Trout and Rendon are still in their prime.) Adell = A dream or a nightmare. Can somebody explain to me how Adell got ranked so high as a prospect when he has so much trouble tracking and catching fly balls. His running gate has too much bounce. I mean somebody somewhere along the line must have noticed it. Yeah Mike Trout wasn't great in 2011 but he could always shag a fly balls with ease. Trout has always had good jumps, good routes, good speed. Adell, not so much.
  4. From 2nd base, "Jo Adell is NOT a RF." Then what is he? DH? (LOL) 1st base? LF? I know what he is....tradable. Think the Angels should be spending their money and time on SP. Would not spend money (or time) on RF. You could put Mookie Betts out there and we would still not win a pennant. Between March and Fletcher RF is covered. If somehow the Angels got Bauer and Snell we could put Jo Adell (NOT a RF) in RF and still win a pennant.
  5. Who really give a flying *uck about RF. Put Fletcher out there. Marsh is good enough and maybe better than you might think. STARTING PITCHING. Focus Angels on SP. RFer don't win pennants. SPing does. I wonder who has more trade value, Adell or Marsh? I like Marsh. I would trade both of them for SPing.
  6. Snell says he spent a lot of time and scouted the Dodgers players. Had a plan for the 3rd time thru the line up. He hates losing. He told the rest of the team (leader) to take a couple weeks off and to get back after it so the team is better next year and they can win the WS. I like this guy's work ethic. I would give up Adell and everybody else not named Marsh or Canning in a hot minute.
  7. Reading thru these comments, it sound like its OK if Mike Trout never plays in the postseason again and that he finishes his career with just one postseason hit. I want to hear GM to say we are going to do everything it takes to get to the postseason. I would trade anybody that is not a pitcher. If not, then trade Trout for 17 pitchers and a big bat and start over again. How long do you think Trout will be in his prime? I say he will be in decline by 2024 if not sooner. He will still be very good but greatness fades. He is a big man and father time is going to take its toll.
  8. Casey Kotchman was a bonafide MLB player for 9 years and made over 12 million bucks playing the game he loved. Probably doing ok now.
  9. When I think of Richards, the word bulldog never enters my mind. Nibbler, tentative and delicate, yes. Never consider him a fierce competitor. Alway seemed like he was pitching around the hitter.
  10. Being a gym rat does not make one a mlb player. If he cant read and track a fly ball at age 21, dont know if he ever will.
  11. He only 21??? I have seen 13 year olds that can track fly balls and take better routes than he does. You have to hit really really good if you are going to suck as bad defensively as he does to earn a spot in MLB. I just wonder how the scouts for the Angels did not see how bad he is defensively. He probably was or is probably too proud to shag fly balls. He is way overrated and might just be a bust.
  12. I saw (good seats behind home plate) Barria pitch against Houston in 2018 and I saw greatness. He was almost unhittable. I would not give up on him just yet.
  13. Good point, Bronson, but how much of those problems can be attributed to greenness/nervousness/lack of confidence in a slow start? He has been playing ball since he was a kid. Bronson is right, I hate to say. Greenness/nervousness/ lack of confidence. Sorry, he is not as advertised. He stinks. Brandon Woods, only worse. Although I have no knowledge of this, Upton appears lazy and prepaid. Weak sauce.
  14. All I can say is that Fletcher would had swung at that borderline pitch and probably driven the ball into right center for a double. There is no excuse for that horrible at bat. Just because Mike Trout is great doesn't mean he can't get better. I think he convinced himself that the pitcher was going to try to get him to chase 0-2 and fell asleep at the wheel.
  15. Can't help but notice he has a short pitching stride for someone 6'2". Watch when he walks off the field in between innings. Baby steps. It looks like his hammies and/or hip flexors are tight. So when he gets properly stretched and gain mobility he starts throwing 97-98. See him at ST next year.
  16. It is going to be different and maybe even fun. Maybe shorten season with longer (more teams) playoffs. Maybe it is more like basketball or hockey playoffs. Who knows, might change the way MLB does playoffs forever!
  17. Ohtani reminds me of another Angel. A streaky lefty with a long swing, going to strikeout a lot but slug around .560. He going to hit 38 HRs this year but he is going to look clueless at times. He will not be known for his contact rate!
  18. "preventative UCL reconstruction " If I were a surgeon, I would strongly consider pioneering this. Remember Dr. Frank Jobe was considered a little crazy. And if we can't/won't send are draft picks straight to surgery how about mandatory preventive PRP?
  19. Not sure how dumb it would be. Maybe not a full blown TJ surgery but a strengthening procedure. Maybe Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair with Internal Brace - it could be called “Tommy John lite.” Time will tell.
  20. So why don't teams draft pitchers and send them straight to the surgeon. Have both the shoulder and the elbow made bionic. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster." I mean it is almost inevitable so get it done early.
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