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Posts posted by LooneyPlatoons

  1. 18 hours ago, Thomas said:

    The cartridge is coated with a foul substance to discourage little kids from swallowing them as they are a choking hazard. People I guess found this out, tested it out and it went viral.

    Some of the videos I've seen on youtube are funny.  These people are not expecting how gross it tastes.

  2. I used to work in a grocery store in a deli and would get some really snooty people acting like they were superior a lot.  When these types would ask me where an item in the store was I would tell them it was on a made up aisle number 1 higher than however many aisles we had.  So if we had 11 aisles I would tell them whatever they were looking for was on aisle 12.  

  3. 13 hours ago, Taylor said:

    This happened to at my Safeway, too. They said they couldn't integrate the chip readers with the self-checkout machines. Weird.

    That sounds like a bs excuse.  The Albertsons by me had chip readers at self checkout before they took self checkout away about a month ago.  So now instead of having 4 self checkouts they have 1 cashier in the "express" line.  

  4. Insightful article over on Fangraphs




    Billy Eppler on Rebuilding the Angels

    Thirteen months ago, we ran an interview titled Billy Eppler on Taking the Reins in Anaheim. At the time, Eppler was a first-year general manager, 100-plus days into his tenure. He’d come to the Angels from New York, where he’d spent 11 years in the Yankees front office. Armed with a background in scouting and player development, and a degree in finance, he was being entrusted to rebuild a moribund farm system while staying competitive in the American League West.

    Progress has come slowly, at least on the surface. The Angels struggled in 2016, winning just 74 games and finishing in fourth place. Pitching injuries were a culprit — they remain a concern — while an offense led by the incomparable Mike Troutscored fewer runs than all but five AL squads. As for the prospect pipeline, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Keith Law recently ranked the Angels’ farm system, which was dead last a year ago, 27th of the 30 organizations.

    Eppler didn’t make a splash over the offseason — there was nothing as notable as last winter’s Andrelton Simmons acquisition — but there were some meaningful moves. Cameron Maybin is now an Angel, as are Danny Espinosa, Martin Maldonado, and Luis Valbuena. In the opinion of some, Eppler’s club can contend this season if the pitchers — particularly Garrett Richards — remain in one piece.

    Eppler discussed the team’s direction, and the philosophies set forth by his “Office of the GM” earlier this week.


    To read the full article click here

  5. Did CJ Wilson actually say he retired from baseball though?  I saw all the stuff about him moving to Fresno, buying a dealership, and competing this year on some Porsche circuit.  But what is to say he isn't just taking an extra year to pursue other interests.  Maybe he tries to make an MLB comeback in 2018 and tries to become the next Rich Hill at 37?  An extra year of rest for his glass arm couldn't hurt.

  6. I don't see why they need to even bother testing this in the minors.  If Manfred is that desperate to speed up games maybe he should cut commercial time down more and actually enforce the batters staying in the box between pitches.

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