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Everything posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. It went up after being reduced for a few years during the great recession. The employer portion of SS was at 6.2% the whole time. SS is a pay as you go system that's got IOU's from both sides after the fund has been raided to fund pet projects. Reducing the amount coming in screws over the people who need it most, i.e. those who are retired, receiving SS and paid into it for years.
  2. You're joking right? The two most common ways companies increase financing is by selling stock and bonds. Doing so gives them money to run the day to day business, hire new employees, expand operations and so on. People who own stock for the long haul do so because they believe in the company and want a share of the profits. Wealthy individuals are more likely to make larger investments that give them a bigger say in a company where they hope to ensure it's profitability and success. They're also more likely to fund start ups as seed investors and while many of those don't work out the one's that do have turned into some of the biggest corporations.
  3. Denver matched the Dolphins offer to CJ. Guess they decided having a RB that knew the system was worth the cost given the uncertainty at QB. Reading an article about it the Broncos ended up paying more than they would have had they used a higher tender on him and that decision cost them the pay cut Ware took. Thinking they decided against the tender assuming Brock would stay in Denver and they could draft a RB.
  4. Since it's his last name it's generally handed down after birth. I've actually come across a few people with that last name from Turkey.
  5. You'd think with how much time Angels fans spend on their phones at games they could have had a better showing.
  6. Overall I liked the miniseries and will definitely watch next season. As far as episode 3 goes it was completely out of left field and corny which is in line with some of the episodes they had from the original seasons. Every now and then they seemed to have fun with an over the top episode that had nothing to do with the overall plot line and episode 3 seemed to fit that perfectly.
  7. I'm hoping that's just for depth because Mark Sanchez hasn't been the answer since college or maybe even high school. It's for a conditional pick so nothing huge but even with a good D I don't trust Sanchez to not screw up if he's the QB.
  8. Brady Quinn didn't cut it as an NFL QB but I don't recall him ever being a douche like Manziel was during college and after. Here's a read about the scandalous history of Manziel's family: http://deadspin.com/the-long-con-how-the-manziels-conquered-america-1040593220
  9. I've heard that before but I remember hearing that the country has been most successful as far as growth goes when one party is in the white house and the other controls congress or the senate, i.e. they have to work together.
  10. Mixed feelings on that one. Both CJ and Hillman were FA's entering the off season and Hillman is definitely a change of pace back who they could afford to let go assuming they kept CJ. CJ is a 3 down back and is a better blocker but at 4.5M a year that puts him top 10 in the NFL as far as avg annual salary for a RB goes. Currently not having a QB who has thrown a pass in the NFL means having a RB who knows the system would be huge. If they add a QB before the 5 days are up I'd say let him walk, draft a back late and maybe sign a vet. If they don't add a QB then you have to decide if he's worth it at 4.5M a year. Edit - I'm reading that Miami front loaded the contract which means CJ is likely done in Denver. The same article mentioned how much cap space Denver has which seems about right after the cuts they made the OL they signed from KC. They'll need Clady and Ware to definitely restructure their contracts to give them some more wiggle room.
  11. What about Manziel is high reward exactly? Watching him when he was in college he looked more like a college QB than the type of guy who would be successful in the NFL. The Browns grabbed him a few rounds earlier than they needed to as the red flags surrounding him scared a lot of teams off. To top it off he's a douche who comes from old money and he suffers from dumbassitis. The guy needs to get his life straightened out first before any team counts on him staying out of jail and being even mildly productive on the field. He pisses of his old team to the point they want to cut or trade him and has been in the news partying for the last few months. As much as Kaep is a douche he's at least shown something on the field and isn't as big of a headcase off the field. Even RGIII would be preferable since he's shown he can play in the NFL and has an axe to grind.
  12. Weaver has become one of my favorite all time Angels. Was glad when they drafted him out of CSULB as I'm an alumni, graduated the year after he was drafted and didn't think he'd fall to the Angels. I don't blame him for trying to do what he can when he's out there on the mound because if they pencil him into the lineup he's shown that he's a gamer and he's going to at least try. If he isn't getting the job done it's on the coaching staff to pull the plug. As far as a buyout if I'm him I'm not walking away from a dime.
  13. Seems like we're getting closer and closer to the type of candidates in Idiocracy
  14. I think most people outside of you and a few other Chiefs fans have already forgotten it since Denver won the Super Bowl. I'll take Smith over Simien but long term I wouldn't want Smith as a QB. I'd put him in the same group I put Fitzpatrick in - they're 2-3 year solutions if the team they're on has a top defense. Smith isn't going to win a game because of something he does for the team he'll help you win because he doesn't screw up too bad while the defense and running game get the job done. If you're behind late in the game and he's your QB it's pretty much game over unless your defense comes up with some huge plays and a takeaway or two. As far as Denver goes supposedly San Fran wants a 2nd pick round for Kap while they're saying Denver would do a 3rd. I definitely wouldn't do a 2nd round pick for a guy who wants out and has been a bad fit in San Fran for a few years now. Supposedly he would re-work his contract to make it more cap friendly but his current contract isn't too bad. Definitely not 37M guaranteed like Brock got which is ridiculous.
  15. There's no such thing as free, somebody somewhere is paying for it.
  16. Houston also signed Lamar Miller while C. Ivory signed with Jacksonville and M. Forte signed with the Jets.
  17. Just about to post that Osweiler is going to Houston. I'm torn on the Kaepernick rumor because he's such a douche. Athletically he's gifted but he's regressed every year since signing his current contract. San Fran is a mess and him getting out of there is probably best for him but doesn't mean I want him to end up in Denver. That said the QB FA class is weak and the best options left via trade or FA are Fitzpatrick, RGIII and Kaepernick right now. I like the thought of Fitzpatrick as a game manager for a few years if Denver thinks their D can continue to be one of the better ones in the league but long term he isn't the answer while there's more upside with RGIII and Kaepernick who are both younger.
  18. http://broncoswire.usatoday.com/2016/03/09/will-demarcus-ware-ryan-clady-take-pay-cut-broncos-nfl-free-agency/ Clady and Ware are both expected to stay in Denver while restructuring their contracts to reduce their cap hit. With the other cuts Denver made (Vasquez, Daniels) they have at least 25M in cap space to get a QB, maybe bring back Trevathan and add pieces to the O and D lines.
  19. Link on the main CBS sports page - 'Lions sign Megatron's Replacement' and by clicking it you find out they signed Marvin Jones for reportedly 8M a year. Guy who was mostly a third option at WR for Cincy is one of the top free agent WR's. Tells you just how thin that market is.
  20. How do you define many? http://www.businessinsider.com/richest-people-in-the-world-2015-4 - most billionaires are self made http://www.forbes.com/sites/moneybuilder/2012/04/20/most-wealthy-individuals-earned-not-inherited-their-wealth-2/#4c34cc717480 6% of those surveyed inherited their wealth According to The Millionaire Next Door book which is supported by multiple surveys and studies the authors did only 20% of those individuals inherited the wealth while the other 80% were self made millionaires who worked, saved and invested.
  21. The majority of billionaires in the world are self made: http://www.businessinsider.com/richest-people-in-the-world-2015-4 From a PNC wealth management survey the majority of people with $500K to freely invest which they considered wealthy or likely millionaires when adding home equity and other investments earned their wealth while 6% inherited their wealth: http://www.forbes.com/sites/moneybuilder/2012/04/20/most-wealthy-individuals-earned-not-inherited-their-wealth-2/#4c34cc717480 The 69% who earned their wealth did so by "trading time and effort for money, or by working."
  22. Best players? They signed Julius Thomas last year for more than he was worth and they're signing Jackson for 15M a year with 42M guaranteed. I have nothing against Jackson and expected him to take more money to play elsewhere but he benefited big time from the players around him and won't have that luxury in Jacksonville. I'm not saying he's easily replaceable in Denver but for what he signed I'm glad it wasn't with Denver and the reality is it wasn't going to be because of their cap situation and needs.
  23. No unlike you I didn't attack multiple Bernie supporters I called you out for being emotional and not having the slightest clue what you're talking about. Go for the cop out all you want because it's clear you never should have left the kiddie pool.
  24. You didn't prove anything you post facts and numbers from pro-Bernie websites. You insult people when you have no basic understanding of economics and argue based on emotion while accusing others of not understanding something you can't explain. Here's the tax foundations analysis of Sanders' plan back in January: http://taxfoundation.org/article/details-and-analysis-senator-bernie-sanders-s-tax-plan By their estimate his plan would raise taxes by decreasing the after tax income of every family, lead to lower GDP growth, decreased capital investment, negatively impact wages and result in almost 6 million lost jobs which makes sense since his plan includes a 6.2% tax on employers to pay for the "free" healthcare. In conclusion nothing is "free" as has been mentioned because his plan would tax individuals and employers while negatively impacting the economy. Sounds like screwing over the majority to cater to the minority.
  25. Matt Flynn was a terrible overpay and when reading the comments section for an article discussing the offer Denver made to Osweiler the Flynn signing was a reason not to overpay that came up. Like I said I don't disagree that someone will overpay I just hope it isn't Denver. Osweiler looked competent but still has a lot to prove and was ranked 25th out of 34 qualified QB's last year as far as rating goes. Going 5-2 as a starter was as much a function of the defense giving up 18 points a game during the stretch as it was anything he did. With Manning retiring Denver has about 17M in cap space currently with Von Miller on the books at the franchise tag rate but that could and hopefully will change if he's signed long term. They're going to have to get creative and make some cuts in order to sign Osweiler and fill other needs.
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