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Everything posted by Don

  1. Watched Greyhound last night. Had read some reviews that weren’t great, but I thought it was really good. It’s freaking tense.
  2. I’d put the anti-mask crowd out here at like a legit 30-ish%.
  3. Watched Hamilton the other night. Freaking fantastic IMO. Crazy good performances throughout. Super impressed by the performers bringing it that hard for that long. Btw, the guy that played George III is the dude from Mindhunter.
  4. That’s a shit situation man. Wishing you all the best.
  5. I just think our current system is laughably bad compared to the rest of the developed world. I see a doctor once, then spend the next 8 months arguing with insurance about who has to pay what and how much. It’s ridiculously inefficient and way more expensive than it should be.
  6. I get ya. I’m just in the camp of feeling like I could be bankrupted by med bills at any time despite being firmly middle class. I don’t think that’s a good thing to say about a society.
  7. Honestly, if a single payer healthcare system is what comes out of all of this, I’d be quite good with it.
  8. I could see Maddon doing that once or twice in game where a position player goes out, the DH takes that position, and then Ohtani would have to hit by rule. That seems like a Maddon sorta thing to do.
  9. Hard to say with Adell. Bringing him up would start his service time when he potentially needs more time in the minors (though that's not available right now). Just not sure if the org would be willing to start his clock while he's still developing at the major league level.
  10. Some of us grew up in poverty on the mean streets of Riverside. We didn't have that first class money you guys are born with in other parts of the IE.
  11. Fun story. Albert actually slapped my ass on a plane once. Not in a bad way. It was all good. Was boarding a flight from Phoenix back to KC in 2016 after catching a couple ST games. I was wearing an Angels hat, and the gate agent told me that Pujols was on the flight. As I walked through first class back to coach I spotted him, and pointed up to my hat. He saw it and gave a “what’s up” head nod. I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, so as I walked past I just leaned in a bit and said “Hey man, just wishing you all the best this season.” He responded with a “Thanks man” and slapped my ass as I continued on to my seat. I thought it was freaking hilarious.
  12. Angel Stadium, Petco, Qualcomm, Oakland, new SF, Dodger Stadium, Arizona, Kauffman, Camden Yards, Wrigley. I think that’s it.
  13. This. Again and again this. Pro athletes make what they do because the people paying them can pay them that much and still make considerable profits. And owners can’t just go find people off the street that can perform at that level for $50k/year. It’s really freaking simple supply and demand, and players demanding anything less than what they’re worth wouldn’t make them champions for the common man. It would make them active contributors to an inefficient economic system that only served to extend the economic power of billionaires.
  14. It took all of about five minutes for me to install mine. That said, go ahead and tell the wife it’s an all day thing and just hide in the bathroom drinking beer and listening to music.
  15. Dude, such is life. Sometimes you got an itchy B-hole. Happens to the best of us. That said, I got a handheld bidet attachment a couple months back and it helps quite a bit.
  16. Impemba and Sutton on the radio are still my personal favorites among Angel broadcasters.
  17. I fixed it so Jose can understand if he reads the thread.
  18. The chase for .400 would be huge, but really only in the last month of a season. Someone going after DiMaggio’s hitting streak would be big too, but probably only after game 40 or so.
  19. To be fair, this is because we as a society agreed a long time ago that tanks are rad and pencils are decidedly un-rad. It's a big part of the social contract we enter into as Americans.
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