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Everything posted by NrM

  1. Everyone knows winning in the playoffs is a crapshoot. Getting to the playoffs is what matters when you're a gm.
  2. He's pretty much the only angels prospect I'm excited about. Hopefully he can increase his walks and lower his K%
  3. There's no way they should stand pat with that rotation. It should be the number one focus in the off season.
  4. zero warning points for me. No clue how I don't have any.
  5. Trout would get 35 million a year for a short 2-3 year contract. I doubt he'd get that much for a 6+ year contract.
  6. I have it. It's a great phone, but the battery life is horrible.
  7. Theo Epstein has done a great job for the cubs. He even convinced the cubs to rebuild before it would be too late to do so.
  8. disagree with everything you said. Not even going to attempt to argue.
  9. 3 in the top 20. That's pretty amazing considering beckett and billingsley have been hurt all year. The angels have one pitcher in the top 50. Cj wilson at like 38. I don't believe weaver qualifies.
  10. Really important for him to finish strong
  11. NrM

    Xbox One

    There has been zero indication it's coming to the PS4. If anything, it wont come out till 2015 on the PS4 at the earliest.
  12. People who want the angels to win useless games and hurt their future aren't real fans! Go root for the dodgers or something! See i can do that too
  13. The point is to try to get a protected pick so they don't lose it if they waste more money on over the hill trash.
  14. and yet he'll probably finish 3rd or 4th in mvp voting
  15. NrM

    Xbox One

    I'm banking on the Xbox One having a lot more exclusive than the xbox 360. They've opened a lot more studios. They also have a lot of 3rd party studios making console exclusives. Like Dead Rising 3 and TitanFall, which arguably, look better than anything on the PS4.
  16. He's definitely having a down year, but he has a club friendly contract and we don't have a replacement for him. The Angels should look to trade Trumbo, kendrick, bourjos and calhoun first.
  17. Nope. I want the players to play great. I wouldn't care if they find ways to lose though.
  18. I never said I think they should tank. Hell, I hope the players who have a future with the angels play well. That still doesn't mean I can't root for them to lose to get a protected pick.
  19. I don't think I've ever agreed with anything said by mancini.
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