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Everything posted by NrM

  1. This year compared to trout's rookie year simply because harper was only 19 in his rookie season. You guys are idiots. That is all.
  2. How cool would it be if Trout lead the AL in Walks and Hits.
  3. The Angels have a 150 million dollar payroll yet don't have any 4 WAR players outisde of trout. w/e you say though.
  4. I can't believe people defended that ****ing moron. He should've been fired on the spot for saying that.
  5. What's the record for someone 21 years or younger
  6. https://twitter.com/SportsCenter/status/363819773160730625 that's a lot of players...
  7. This is getting rather annoying. Trout has been an on base machine lately, yet he has no steal attempts in his last 6 games. I blame hamilton and kendrick for swinging at everything.
  8. Yep. Most fans think he can bring in a mlb ready top pitching prospect. Not going to happen.
  9. to be fair, tumbo's foot was initially on the bag.... the angels broadcast just refused to show it.
  10. I really think you guys are getting a little too excited. It's be like 6 freeking games.
  11. Maybe he'll be a type A free agent? Could get a 1st round pick if they let him walk.
  12. This makes even less sense. The Angels aren't going to trade for anymore overpriced, over the hill players. At least I hope not.
  13. two 4 hit games in a row with a homerun tonight. Now has a .841 OPS.
  14. The rookie class in the AL has been horrible this year, but yea I doubt shuck gets too many votes I really can't stand gubi. How he still has a job is beyond me.
  15. There would be so many players playing into their late 40s
  16. The dodgers are 20 games over 500, in 1st place and have a 29-7 record since june 21st. No clue why they're in the poll. Should've probably put the Giants in there instead.
  17. So what do the angels have to lose by trying him out at 3b this year again? Nothing? Gotchya.
  18. I live in NJ right now and I get a lot of Philly talk on the radio. Ruben Amare was on, and was pretty much taking non stop criticism from the radio host and he was responding to everything. It was awesome. I don't think he's a good GM at all, but at least he is willing to respond to the criticism, and be honest about what is going on in the org. Now look at the Angels. Jerry Dipoto and Scioscia pretty much give the middle finger to angel fans. They never respond to criticism and the media never challenges them. Really is pathetic.
  19. What do the Angels have to lose by trying him out at 3b for the rest of the season?
  20. This might sound crazy, but **** it. He never had a real shot at 3b. The season is over anyways. Let him learn and make his mistakes this year. Trumbo would be a whole lot more valuable at 3b than he is as a 1b/DH I know I'm going to take a lot of shit for this, but I think it makes some sense. If Pablo Sandoval and Miguel Cabrera can play 3b, I'm sure trumbo can.
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