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Everything posted by NrM

  1. If Weaver can get his velocity back up for next season, I can see him pitching like an ace again, but there's no way he's going to be as dominating with his 86 MPH fastball.
  2. Strasburg is putting together a cy young quality year this year. Weaver's skills are in decline. There's no reason to take Weaver over strasburg,
  3. http://www.fangraphs.com/fantasy/jered-weavers-declining-skills/
  4. there is a tipping point when it comes to velocity. Fangraphs did an interesting article about it. Weaver has gone past that point this season. I'll try to dig it up when i get off work.
  5. you're not required to comment or read these threads.
  6. who is judging off of 2 starts? I'm judging off of his entire season and decline in velocity. If you don't think his decline in velocity is an issue then you don't understand pitching.
  7. I don't think you can go into next season banking on weaver bouncing back and performing like he did in 2010 and 11. That would be a huge mistake.
  8. I disagree that he will bounce back to ace form, but i really hope he does. The angels wont compete if weaver isn't at his best.
  9. i made a similar thread a month or so ago. He's not Going to be the same pitcher if he's throwing 86 mph. Maybe if you werent a homer, you'd see that
  10. the fact that his velocity and numbers decline every year doesn't bother you?
  11. so you're saying i could pitch with my 70 mph fastball if i have great decepetion and control?
  12. he's not an ace with his 86 mph fastball. You're delusional if you think he is
  13. He's a 2 or 3 now. They need to try and get an ace if they look to compete next year.
  14. Tejada was definitely taking steroids. You could tell by how much smaller he got when he was off them. Same with Sosa and Pudge.
  15. He doesn't want calhoun to succeed because his hero Bourjos might get traded or lose playing time if he does.
  16. I see it more as 1 starter Weaver Wilson Vargas Richards
  17. Did you really try to convert this into your love obsession with scioscia.
  18. Scioscia is the manager. He makes the lineup card. The GM can discuss the line up, but at the end of the day, the manager makes the call. Scioscia isn't going to be a pushover.
  19. You're right. I dislike Scioscia and think he should be fired. Not trying to hide it. You wont see me defending dipoto either, though.
  20. I'm not defending dipoto. The Angels do have players on the roster that can play 2b outside of green, btw
  21. well I'm not a fan of both dipoto or scioscia. They're both responsible for the sad state of this org. Why do fans have to pick sides.
  22. The Angels need to restock the farm system as fast as they can, but with their reliance on signing big time free agents, and the non existent international presence, it could take some time.. Rebuilding could be the best route to go, but that's not going to happen in the early years of hamilton and pujols contract.
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