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Everything posted by notherhalo

  1. unbelievable A Yankee getting honored at Fenway? Every team giving the guy gifts on his way out A fan favorite who blew a world series game 7, and that ALCS against Boston....most importantly forgiven and forgot by Yankee fans! is there any other ballplayer who got so much love on the final season?
  2. so how is this admin going to remove Bashar to fulfill our duty to the Saudis now?
  3. hes quite the beer connoisseur if I remember correctly
  4. maybe its easier to win when your #3 hitter is not batting .241
  5. people are starting to catch on that sugar > HFCS problem for soda companies is that it cost 2-3x more
  6. I have a family of contractors, we stay far away from Angies list because it produces the worst customers you can find mostly left wing, penny pinchers with no friends or sources to get a recommendation, so they try to scout everyone in the book and rely on ratings from other losers to qualify their contractor Then furthermore, since they dont have much money to spend, they are going to waste time and get bids from everyone and think their tiny job is the holy grail. If someone would say they heard about us from Angieslist, we would usually just hang up or tell them were not in business anymore and save the time. Those people can F themselves and call the smell good plumbers
  7. I cant believe hes not sucking for the dodgers
  8. thanks, I wish we covered NPB in the sports media here a little bit, at least show some NPB finals winners or things like that
  9. Wilford Brimley still kicking a testament to american medical
  10. So I guess the whole reason we are getting involved has nothing to do with chem weapon use, but Europe needs another gas pipeline, big money to be had there Saudi Arabia wants to build one through Syria to reach Europe Iran wants to build one through Syria to reach Europe Iran & Assad = Shia Rebels & Saudi = Sunni We are in bed with Saudi Arabia, so we will do what it takes to "justify" clearing the land for a regime that will back the Saudis Am I missing something here?
  11. If Id have made a "remakes you dont want to see" thread it would be 100 pages
  12. I mean, a bobblehead giveaway night, or some other commemoration. I suppose 6 years is way too short for the Angels HOF..... was he arguably the best player we've had over a 6 year season? Doesnt look like Albert of Hamilton will match those great years, even if they tapered a bit towards the end Sad that he was 1 HR away from joining Bonds, Canseco, Soriano and A-Rod
  13. Downtown LA Angels sounds pretty good to me
  14. not sure if this is a self craig from old forum I left out MLK to prevent a potential AW race war
  15. Buddy Boshers and Ryan Budde, would probably be the first buddy-budde battery combo
  16. I busted donkey lips at the $40 table going all in preflop with some BS hand and he threw a fit Im talking about the kid from Salute your Shorts - it was great
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