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full circle

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Posts posted by full circle

  1. Sounds to me like the biggest problem was just a lack of communication, again.  

    I may be wrong but I don’t think this is the first time we’ve heard about players just being left in the dark about their place on the team.  It shouldn’t be hard to sit a player down and say look, you’re not an established player yet and so we’re going to put you in spots we feel you can succeed in to start and how we see you handle it will determine how much you play moving forward.

     Then tell them some things they’re doing well, some things that need improvement, and say you can always come talk to me if you have a question.  I do this with youth and teen ball players and their parents, it’s called coaching.  The Angels didn’t do anything wrong except for perhaps not having open lines of communication. 

  2. 12 hours ago, TroutField said:

    Washington with all the “we are going to rundown the west” bullshit pre game and the goes onto mismanage the game and lose. 

    squeeze bunt with Moniak up to put him in the hole 0-2 was so stupid with a hitter with so much swing and miss. Forcing the issue with Soriano and leaving him out for THREE innings in which he gave up runs in each inning and had no feel for his breaking stuff. 

    that was probably the worst managed game since Maddon walked in a run. 

    Squeeze bunt didn’t put him down 0-2 but 0-1.  Moniak swung and missed twice at outside sinkers that he’s gotta be able to put a bat on.  I didn’t mind Wash’s call there.  Micks gotta get better if he wants to play.  

  3. 20 hours ago, Taylor said:

    So you're defending a wife beater as a person to admire. Good look.

    Is someone defending the wife beating?

    Just take the L “guy”.  You were ready to convict Bauer and ran your trap and you were wrong, as per usual, and now you just vomit up retarded bullshit.  Pretending to stick up for women when your real agenda is to “get” people you hate politically.  

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