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full circle

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Everything posted by full circle

  1. So let’s just have Trout not ever run then. Maybe they should’ve asked for a wheelchair exemption so he could wheel around the bags.
  2. Trout was getting hurt when he wasn’t stealing bags too.
  3. “Our roster is dogshit. But come out and see us play anyway!”
  4. Sounds to me like the biggest problem was just a lack of communication, again. I may be wrong but I don’t think this is the first time we’ve heard about players just being left in the dark about their place on the team. It shouldn’t be hard to sit a player down and say look, you’re not an established player yet and so we’re going to put you in spots we feel you can succeed in to start and how we see you handle it will determine how much you play moving forward. Then tell them some things they’re doing well, some things that need improvement, and say you can always come talk to me if you have a question. I do this with youth and teen ball players and their parents, it’s called coaching. The Angels didn’t do anything wrong except for perhaps not having open lines of communication.
  5. Don’t really care about his status. The guy has turned into David Fletcher with worse defense. Any replacement is just fine.
  6. Don’t forget you thought Pujols would retire well before his contract was up when there was about 100% chance he wouldn’t.
  7. Because he’d have nothing else to do otherwise? The “guy” spends all day everyday living on this board.
  8. In the exhibition against the Dodgers minor leaguers he was in the upper 90s when he wanted to be. The stuff is there.
  9. Crackhead blew this game. Was a very winnable game. Terrible lineup. Terrible bullpen management.
  10. Squeeze bunt didn’t put him down 0-2 but 0-1. Moniak swung and missed twice at outside sinkers that he’s gotta be able to put a bat on. I didn’t mind Wash’s call there. Micks gotta get better if he wants to play.
  11. I see Trout has done absolutely nothing to try and close the giant gaping hole in his swing. He looks like washed up garbage.
  12. Let’s introduce “him” to Bauer. Would love to see the look on his face the next morning.
  13. Is someone defending the wife beating? Just take the L “guy”. You were ready to convict Bauer and ran your trap and you were wrong, as per usual, and now you just vomit up retarded bullshit. Pretending to stick up for women when your real agenda is to “get” people you hate politically.
  14. I mean, it’s pretty Captain Obvious at this point dontcha think?
  15. Oh so the guy gets wronged, and then because a team won’t be able to force him to keep his mouth shut about him being treated poorly they’ll just force him out of the game. Seems pretty shitty. And let’s call a spade a spade, most people are fucking idiots and spineless cowards who are willing to go along with a shitty situation just so as not to be inconvenienced or be made to feel “on the outside.” Ya, it might take a bit of balls for a team to sign Bauer and then get up in front of a bunch of people and say, if you don’t like this then fuck you. Because Bauer did nothing wrong and your opinions of him aren’t based on illegal acts, you just don’t like his personality and that’s not a reason to not sign a talented pitcher that can help a team. Will that happen? Probably not. Should it? Absolutely.
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