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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. That would be Western Montana, it will be 5 months before it gets here.
  2. I will see it in theaters. The first reboot was really fun so I am looking forward to this.
  3. To fairly perform their duty without partiality. Bottom line. It's actually pretty simple.
  4. It is interesting. Just shows how arrogant the IRS is and how little they respect their role.
  5. I love "blame" being a policy. He's timed out on Bush, so now he's got to find someone or something else to blame for his own failures.
  6. Oh I get it, it's a troll thread. Awesome. Pass
  7. Fine with me, I don't drink. I wonder about enforcement though. By the way, why was this directed at me?
  8. Obama is the Sergio Garcia of presidents. Always the victim, never takes accountabilty for his choke jobs. Look in the mirror Mr. President.
  9. People will believe what they want to believe. It's been five years, if Obama wanted to change a lot of these government power deals, he would have done so. Instead, he has done the opposite.
  10. I mostly agree, but Weaver is far from "average". He is very good.
  11. What is the problem? They are the government. They can't be wrong.
  12. Anyone who is questioning letting Santana walk is having selective memory issues. Now the Blanton signing is a different thing.
  13. This team sucks. I think Arte needs to clean house.
  14. http://open.salon.com/blog/stephannie/2010/05/16/how_many_people_are_incarcerated_for_drug_related_offenses around 20% of inmates are in jail for drug related crimes. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223626/Prisons-America-breaking-point-million-citizens-bars.html overcrowding approaching 45% http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1023129/Thousands-violent-prisoners-released-free-jail-space.html there you go.
  15. Looks like one of Sergio's last comments was "I'm the victim". Classic Sergio.
  16. No mention of all star, no mention of great player. I would think the phenomenal term was directed at his stolen base streak. Geez
  17. You're right, I can't believe all the posts that have compared him to Trout...................... wait, there aren't any.
  18. Sergio, never met an excuse he didn't like. Suck it up buttercup.
  19. I really don't understand the disconnect here. The talking points could be an attempt to cover up the mistakes that led to four deaths. If that is so, it should be something to look into, yes?
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