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Everything posted by AngelStew43

  1. Could he do any worse than Matt Joyce, Mark Krauss, and the other 4A players we've used this season?
  2. We picked up Krauss for nothing. We traded him for a power arm to replace Bedrock and Gott in our minor league system. We essentially got something for a guy who was our third string AAA first baseman/pinch hitter. A great move.
  3. I tend to look at the total picture. Not only what he does on the field, but he's good in the clubhouse, and from ownership's point of view, he's a revenue generator. He sells jerseys, tshirts, puts people in seats. I think Albert is well worth the money.
  4. 2 triples today so far, with a walk and no strikeouts. Not excited, but pleased so far with the change in his approach, and the positive results.
  5. Its a long season. I wouldn't mind seeing him stay at Salt Lake for the rest of it, just to see what kind of numbers he would put up. Also, if we keep him, we'd have to protect him from this December's Rule V draft. It may be worth considering, since he's still only 23 years old. It would be nice to have two legit 3B options!
  6. I saw this article when it first was printed, and I suspected that he may be in some hot water. Also, I agree with the buy 2 get 2 comments.
  7. I have a tendency to agree with Chuck on this one. Ellis may turn out to be a very good ML pitcher, but the Angels have at least two guys they are higher on in Heaney and Newcomb. If the Angels can obtain an impact player for him, they should go for it.
  8. His batting average was up to .242, which I know isn't good, but considering where he was when the season started, he is making good progress. Maybe he's going to be one of those late bloomers.
  9. If Aiken goes at 6 to the Twins, its possible the Angels could wind up with a position player with higher upside. We could use some depth in the OF.
  10. I still think Carlos Gonzalez is going to end up here. LH power hitter, 29 yoa, MOTO bat, Colorado backround (something DiPoto likes), and the kind of splash Arte doesn't seem to mind making. CJ Cron, Trevor Gott, and Tyler DeLoach for Gonzalez and some salary relief.
  11. I'm getting the feeling our big splash may be Carlos Gonzalez.
  12. Either one works, I just think the Dodgers would be very interested in a SP, especially from the left side, they have a surplus of corner OF, and our offense could use either one of Van Slyke, who I don't think the Dodgers would give up, or Eithier, who I think they would. I only suggested Eithier for two reasons: 1. He hits from the left side, and we are looking for that. 2. If we were to trade CJ, like I said, the money almost balances out evenly.
  13. Here's one that would help both teams. Andre Eithier for CJ Wilson. Of course, to even the money out, the Dodgers would have to throw a prospect in.
  14. A lineup that looks like: Revere Trout Pujols Calhoun Howard Freese Aybar Perez Giovatella Is better than anything we've put out there all season long, regardless of what Revere and Howard may bring to the team.
  15. If DeLoach is included in any deal, and we keep the other young arms, that would be outstanding.
  16. A steady diet of curveballs and sliders low and away should finish all the Hamilton talk. I have never been so wrong about a player.
  17. The more we'd take of Howard's $$$, the less we'd give up for Revere. Open the LF spot up for Revere by including Cowgill in the deal.
  18. Doesn't CJ have a no-trade clause? Or was it only for the first 3 years of the deal? If the Angels can trade him, they certainly should.
  19. I miss Trumbo, and I want him back.
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