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Posts posted by halobob

  1. 2 hours ago, arch stanton said:

    We all get that people are tired of career politicians and politics as usual. It's long past time to find an alternative. But the Republican voters have managed to find one of the very few alternatives that's worse. For 30+ years he's done everything in his power to get in front of a tv camera. As I searched his history to find anything redeeming in his lifetime all I found was someone who desperately craves attention and seems to base all his actions on getting it. No history of charity or public service. 5 draft deferments when his country was at war. Childish feuds and name calling. Carrying the torch for a losing cause like the birther movement far after it was debunked. Gaudy buildings with his name on them. Searching the globe for trophy wives. He's a 69 year old adolescent. Zero in his life is remotely presidential.

    None of that is convincing at all as to why someone is an idiot for voting for him.  

  2. 16 hours ago, TobiasFunke said:

    You have to be an idiot (see: majority of Trump voters) to see that in any way other than he insinuating that the gun crazies do what they will with her.

    What makes you think the majority of Trump voters are idiots?  There is one good answer to this question.

  3. LOL how is this thread 8pgs?  Who gives a fuck what the future first lady said?  Quite frankly who gives a fuck what any of these ass clowns say, none of it is truthful.  I remember being promised that if I liked my healthcare I could keep my healthcare.  I hope Trump wins so we get to see Melania for the next 4 years instead of Bill.

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