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Everything posted by Lifetime

  1. thanks for your concern. My reading comprehension is just fine.
  2. Arod is a liar and a cheat and he deserves everything that's being thrown at him. I don't buy all the conspiracy to benefit the Yankees noise.
  3. your question was answered. Your response is to make BS conspiracy claims and post a bogus out of context video clip to support your silly claims. We've been down this road before vladdylonglegs. Not going there again.
  4. Not going to go round around in another one of your ridiculous conspiracy theory discussions again. Have a good day vladdylonglegs. Oh and no one said you weren't allowed to ask questions.
  5. Sadaam, the Taliban, Al Qaeda and various factions therein. The FBI doesn't know? LOL
  6. that's not true. Just because it isn't a nation we are at war with doesn't mean we don't know who our enemy is.
  7. Or every war conflict. Especially when your enemy takes to purposely shielding themselves with innocent civilians.
  8. FedEx doesn't have government operational mandates which have a huge impact on the losses the post office has. It's not as simple as comparing bottom lines.
  9. Well again, you're asking conservatives specifically, more specifically conservatives here on this board. So you might want to establish that these conservatives are in fact for a true unrestricted free market. I don't think too many fall into that category. Conservatives in general aren't opposed to regulating the free market as a black and white issue.
  10. Before you ask the question of conservatives, perhaps you should establish that conservatives are in fact supportive of corporations "right" to genetically modify food. Or we can try to slay the strawman I guess.
  11. Link Validation Requirement (LVR) is a false stat
  12. Ya I know it's "done" now. The point was, even after it was initially declared safe, more concerns and additional remediation was necessary, dude.
  13. a couple of things here, the Downey studios etc site is a much smaller site so a cost comparative doesn't work. Not to mention the costs of remediation are much higher now than they were then. Secondly, there are still contamination concerns on that property and questions regarding the effectiveness of the remediation. There have been additional cleanup efforts since the initial remediation. http://articles.latimes.com/2009/aug/02/business/fi-ct-downey2 El Toro Air Base was 4,682 acres.
  14. if people go to these kind of loan companies and don't understand the costs, they're idiots. If people go to these kind of loan companies, eyes wide open, then complain about their business practices afterward, they're idiots.
  15. uh, no. the same people that are defending him now would be defending him. IOW, napsackers.
  16. ya, you're right. We should rather decide their guilt and condemn them because we lack evidence to prove guilt or innocence. Great process!
  17. or those you presume did wrong, evidence be damned.
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