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Posts posted by IEAngelsfan

  1. 43 minutes ago, True Grich said:

    It's really quite simple.

    It seems to me that Eppler and Arte have a clear plan.  They want to sign Trout long term.  That's the only big money, long term deal they're willing to do.  That's the #1 priority.  They're not going to sign Harper or Machado because their priority is extending Mike Trout, period.  They're keeping their FOCUS on the Trout extension.  Getting caught up in the Machado/Harper sweepstakes would alter that focus.  Trout is a totally known commodity to the team.  They know him better than anyone else in baseball.  They don't know Machado or Harper.  They represent greater risk.  Both Harper and Machado have tremendous upside, but they also have their warts - be it inconsistency from year to year or attitude or whatever. 



    I completely agree as far as Trout being the priority.

    Oh, and with Machado, it's more like herpes than warts.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Homebrewer said:

    GM Billy Eppler: "We're at a point where we feel complete with our club."


    Anyone else content with this because I am?

    I'm at a point where I just want the season to begin.  I think we'll be better than most of the posters here think we will be and I'm actually excited to see how this season plays out.

    Let see some baseball!

  3. 4 hours ago, Tank said:

    Sam Elliot has the perfect "I'm a stud of a guy and live life on my own terms" male. He is to the ideal male what Chuck Norris is to life on earth. All women want to sleep with him. All men want to sound like him and have the same kind of cool studly mustache. If a guy like Sam Elliot claims to have killed Hitler, I, for one, believe him.

    Who would win, Chuck Norris or Sam Elliot?

  4. 5 hours ago, hangin n wangin said:

    I stand here corrected....with a boner. I would get MORE boners everyday. 

    Too late to try to explain your way out of it.  That was a slip on your part that exposed the truth.

    We all know now why you named yourself hangin n wangin.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dochalo said:

    are the CWS the only team with an offer on the table?  Somewhere in the reported range of 7/200.  

    the yanks bailed out.  the dogs had him on he team and never even considered bringing him back (albeit likely because of Seager returning).  

    the phils are involved and there is a mystery team.   

    This guy is supposedly an MVP candidate yet where's all the activity?  And at a cost that seems lower that originally expected.  

    it's because teams don't want to take the risk on him due to his character and attitude.  

    It's a huge red flag and most are appropriately heeding such a warning.  


    Ding, ding, ding.....

    IMO, it appears that teams don't want to risk a long term contract to someone who might poison the clubhouse and not be a good teammate.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Slegnaac said:

    HBO was smart to air the first 2 episodes together.  It gets you pulled further into the story.  I also like that the time intervals are not confusing like Westworld. 

    The only question is, watch it every week, or wait and binge watch it...

    The episodes went quick and that's when I realized I was hooked and wanted to watch more.  At this point, waiting for the season to end so I can binge watch is not an option.

    So far, much better than the 2nd season.


  7. 7 hours ago, gotbeer said:

    It'll be interesting on the 5g model, and when it comes out.  If it's 3rd/4th quarter, it goes right against the Note, Pixel, and iphone among others.  Hopefully it will make Google come out with a much improved Pixel 4.

    Knowing Samsung, they probably want to release it as soon as possible for PR reasons.  I wouldn't be surprised if it replaces the Note.

  8. 7 hours ago, Lou said:

    the one thing I really hate about the show is the constant repetition of information, eg showing the carving of the cross in France or the story of the slave, Samuel Bass. They've shown it at least a dozen times. I now watch the show with my remote in my hand so I can fast forward when it occurs. 

    It probably gets redundant because you're probably binge watching the series.  When you watch it over a season, it's not so bad.

    They have other shows on the History Channel regarding the Knights Templar.  It's really interesting that there are theories that they're the ones who created the modern banking system in Europe and that they made quite a few journeys to the Americas several hundred years before Columbus. 

  9. On 1/5/2019 at 10:23 AM, Chuckster70 said:

    So I've had my S8 for nearly two years now with no issues, still a great phone. 

    That said, what's the next big release for Samsung that I should set my sights on in 2019 as I typically get a new phone every two years, then pass down my existing phone to the wife who doesn't really tap into the latest technology like I do. 

    Supposedly, there will be three S10 models released next month.  Low end model (5.8" flat screen), mid-size (6.1") and Plus version (6.4").  None of these are 5G models.  The rumors state that a 5G model will be released later this year with a whopping 6.7" screen size.

    I'd wait for the 5G model.

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