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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Probably right after the next financial crash. Sofi lends to people with beyond questionable credit so it’s likely the stadium will change naming rights just like Ameriquest Field or The Wachovia Center did. These high risk companies like to promote themselves heavily before they blow up. Same as it ever was.
  2. Watching Gangs of New York right now. What a total crock of shit this movie is. Historically inaccurate setting with a god awful wandering unfinished plot. Was Scorsese coked up when he directed dumpster fire? The only sense of relief is Daniel Day Lewis’ acting’s skills. It’s a Miramax film so I take comfort knowing that every actress in this tragedy had to lick Weinstein’s taint.
  3. Ya I misheard the stat earlier. Looks like it was more than last year. Who the hell knows what happened in Iowa though. That seemed like a total clusterf*ck.
  4. I was wrong. I think CNN was talking about Sanders’ turnout.
  5. I would assume they throw their weight behind Buttigieg now (pun intended)? Super low turnout btw.
  6. 5-year-old killed in Oro Grande pit bull attack, officials say https://abc7.com/5919216/
  7. We haven't played any games but nobody's pissed themselves yet so I guess that counts for something.
  8. Not shaping up to be a good day for little Michael.
  9. It’s free. Do you think I would pay for The NY Times lol?
  10. Trump’s immigration policies are working. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/07/opinion/international-world/mexico-migrants.html?action=click&auth=login-email&login=email&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
  11. So many hours dedicated to that game. It was glorious.
  12. Gnarly https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7986553/Does-satellite-image-scale-Chinas-coronavirus-cremations.html
  13. Calscuf claims his bag hits the toilet water.
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