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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Sometimes he is and sometimes he isn't.
  2. You forgot to add an apostrophe in your elementary school response.
  3. Oh noes! It looks like the "whistleblower" might actually be asked real questions. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/lindsey-graham-senate-intelligence-committee-will-call-ukraine-whistleblower
  4. Holy hell. That bunny is worse than the Donnie Darko bunny.
  5. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...”
  6. The libs in the US must feel like the libs in the UK. They’re in loser denial. Newsflash: Brexit and a Trump 2nd term will happen. While I’m not ecstatic about another term with Trump as President, it sure as hell beats Biden (or Hillary the true future DNC candidate). The whole I’m peach mint debacle is a joke recognized by the majority of the voting public and the libs are going to take it painfully dry in November. The sad part is they won’t learn their lesson. The DNC will still run their shit and they’ll still continue to lose elections. It’s good for the country but embarrassing for simpletons.
  7. Sounds like Congress should have done their duty and held them in contempt. I wonder why they didn’t? It’s almost like this is one big charade of bullshit.
  8. Just got back from Cabo last weekend. Go to Flora Farms if you're ever down there. https://www.yelp.com/biz/floras-farm-ánimas-bajas
  9. Huge protest outside the Capital Building right now. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into some sort of stampede.
  10. So glad this dog and pony show is almost over. Now the dems can get back to promising everyone free shit all the time.
  11. The key word in your post is “took.”
  12. It’s Rick Wilson not Rick Scott. The dude is an establishment hack and never Trumper who agrees with dems consistently. Nobody takes what he says seriously except the idiots at CNN. You can tell by that clip why their ratings are such shit.
  13. Reproduction by our citizens is not the reason our population is rising at these levels.
  14. More people in this country is the exact opposite of what we need.
  15. Their main goal is to attract viewers and make money. They aren’t dumb enough to constantly broadcast something nobody wants to watch.
  16. That thing slammed pretty hard. https://www.tmz.com/photos/image_jpg_20200128_846214f00e564ca7a758e3022e08577d/ https://www.bikemag.com/news/mountain-biker-recounts-witnessing-the-kobe-bryant-crash/
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