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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Heyjackass is one of the best sites on the internet.
  2. Did the bus driver pat you both on the head and tell you not to worry because you’d be at school soon?
  3. Where else in the world are you concerned about “genocide” other than Gaza? This is the only place I’ve heard you libs complain about yet there are other areas in the world where civilians get slaughtered all the time. Are you pissed because the Jews are the ones doing the bombing? Did you get a message from Reddit telling you this is the new thing to protest about? Is the war in Ukraine so last year? If it’s a way to distract from the fact that Biden is retarded it’s not working.
  4. Dude would shutdown the 405 during rush hour to get from LAX to Brentwood.
  5. It’s a campaign fundraiser. Do you think he’d come to this shithole of a state without a good reason?
  6. Trump heading to Lido Isle again Sunday. Video from last trip: Edit: He’s going to Harbour Island this time.
  7. Lot's of Silicon Valley dudes are flipping to Trump. Even limousine liberals are sick of Biden's shit.
  8. @gotbeer is that him? I’ve seen Falling Down so I know you can recognize those guys from across the bay.
  9. People are predicting the next flight will be early August. It’s going to be a hell of a show.
  10. Tim Dodd explained on his live stream that the other 32 engines can easily make up for the malfunctioning one. SpaceX can either increase the propulsion or extend the burn time to keep Starship on a nominal path.
  11. Even with the flap melting away they were able to pull it off. Probably the coolest launch I’ve ever seen.
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