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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Sending this to the Dodger fans in the office.
  2. I look forward to your published report on the matter.
  3. Men can force women to have an abortion? This is news to me.
  4. Ya I read an article on it. Dude is seriously lucky to have survived that. BMW driver must have been looking at his phone or something. Idiot. https://www.carscoops.com/2020/02/bmw-m6-driver-hits-motorcyclist-head-on-while-taking-wide-turn-of-californian-canyon-road/
  5. Most abortions happen in this country because the dumb bitch got knocked up and doesn't want to deal with having a kid.
  6. Good luck with your convention dems. Once the super delegates decide who you can really vote for let me know what you decide.
  7. What’s really hilarious is that dems cry about Putin and Russia nonstop so they counter it by backing Bernie fucking communist Sanders. You guys have truly lost your shit. All I can do is sit back and laugh at it. The democratic convention is going to be entertaining to say the least.
  8. I have a problem with it but I’m not surprised by it or think it’s something different with Trump in office. This shit has been happening since the October revolution. Who is living in the White House matters not.
  9. By “hacking our voting systems” I don’t mean they actually changed official votes. I’m talking about influencing elections by social media and other means.
  10. Of course I have a problem with it. It’s espionage. Every country does it to every other country. Just because Russia does it to us doesn’t make them special. The dems obsession with them twists their minds. I feel like I’m watching a classic comic tragedy.
  11. Of course they do. We pull the exact same shit. In fact we probably mess with their elections 10x more. I truly find it funny that dems think this “Russian interference” tactic will change minds and win elections. From what I’ve seen so far it will be a landslide in November.
  12. Keep beating that “muh Russia” drum. As a person who doesn’t want a democrat elected as President I appreciate it.
  13. lol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8021875/MAGA-hat-wearing-PIGEONS-released-Downtown-Las-Vegas.html
  14. I saw this on the local news this morning. No fucking clue why they put it on air here in southern California.
  15. I think you of all people would encourage the ALF bandwagon to expand due to the positive effects toward cat population control.
  16. That’s because it sums up socialism perfectly.
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