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Everything posted by vlad27

  1. last I checked heroin doesn't help baseball skills and enhance performance otherwise Boy George would be in the hall of fame
  2. This is where I live - huge tragedy - people in this community are all having a hard time with this
  3. im all for him smoking in the dugout if it helps him hit better..........
  4. the Counting Crows are still a band!@???
  5. im a fan of Jerome for sure - he needs to stay in the rotation i dont really think Hanson has anything left
  6. Dude - Howard's commercials hands down ! Ha!
  7. Except I like riding the Haunted Mansion - this season has not been nearly that fun
  8. Nope - keep the homegrown guys who are playing well with team friendly contracts - trade the rest
  9. Neither Aybar or Kendrick are the problem right now - I'm glad we have them both
  10. 3.5 months to hit 14 hrs - no doubt it happens this year
  11. He will get there this year - if he hit 30 last year and didn't hit his first one till May - he will get there this year
  12. Keep Howie and the other homegrown guys shed the rest at the deadline
  13. im not gonna lie - i was thrilled with every move except us getting Hanson and Blanton. I still dont understand how a major league GM would give that kind of money to someone who has never been good! Even Hanson had a few good years and could possibly reclaim past glory but Blanton has never been good!
  14. i think he rides out the season and makes a change the day after the season ends
  15. i fit that category- first angel game was ST 2001 and have been folowwing since - as a newer fan in some ways this whole season is a way for me to earn some suffering points- ha! when this team turns things around and starts winning (maybe next year or something like that ) i can say "i remember 2013 "
  16. he will get the distinction of the red italics on the back of the baseball card for most losses in the season
  17. Hey I have a size able Angels tattoo on my calf - guess I'm wearing jeans all summer - oh wait I live in Az no one cares about baseball here or knows the Angels struggles- I'm good
  18. I don't think Josh is "covered head to toe " in tattoos - hell I have more tattoos than Josh and surprisingly I have never smoked crack - as for him being a nice guy - I have no idea if he is a nice guy I just want him to play baseball better
  19. true it is / so if not pressing what is it ? Has he straight up forgotten how to hit ?
  20. Pretty sure Hamilton has a no trade - but watch us trade him to the Yankees and eat 75 percent of his salary and watch his career revive .....
  21. Keep - Trout , Trumbo , Weaver , Kendrick , Aybar Bourjos Trade - anyone else - keep the homegrown guys build around them -
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