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Everything posted by vlad27

  1. Tired of hearing rumors about Hk he is a homegrown player with a team friendly contract
  2. I think this season will trigger a change in philosophy for the front office I surely hope so
  3. At this point it's good Pujols hits the DL I believe he comes back next season with something to prove - it doesn't seem like it now but he is an elite player when all is said and done- I think we see a great season from him next year ( not Stl level but his best as an Angel) I commend him for trying to stay on the field but at this point shutting him down to have him fully healthy next year is a very good thing
  4. it was at a benefit for 19 firefighters that died trying to protect the town I live in but hey it's cool to make a random awkward comment about it ......
  5. As long as Rocco is on bass the band will survive
  6. Richie Kotzen does a great cover of Sara Smile by Hall and Oates - yep I said it
  7. they are good but I can't handle all songs being in D minor -
  8. Bad vocals ruin alot of metal for me - take Children of Bodom for example - Alexi is such a great guitarist I can almost forgive his horrid vocals - fast forward to the solos and be amazed
  9. thanks - for me I've been performing in bands for 20 years - really really sick of Skynrd requests -
  10. Also pretty much any Skynrd song - especially Sweet home Alabama , Mustang Sally , and that terrible Maroon 5 tune where Levine sings the line " like a tatt- too- ooh - ooh " he should never be allowed in a tattoo shop again after that crap - he has single handedly made tattooing less bad ass with that terrible lyric
  11. - Cookie Monster metal is pretty awful too - sometimes the musicians are great but the vocals ruin it I'd love to start a metal band and have the frontman dress like Cookie Monster that would rule
  12. My band played the fundraiser for the Prescott firefighters that were killed on June 30 - it was a wonderful event to be a part of - anyway to our surprise Jon Voight came and made a short speech - but before he did he came onto the stage where I was standing setting up my gear . He shook my hand and said " you did a great job today " although I had yet to play a note - ill take it as a pre compliment - ha
  13. Vlad was great obviously I was/am a big fan of his - how cool was it that he produced at a very high level In his first season with us- no weird 6 week .194 slumps or 3 month .216 crap - Vlad was the real deal
  14. so true I don't get how all of us non GMs could so clearly see this was a terrible signing - I usually am overly optimistic hell I even LIKED and was happy when we got Vernon Wells - but even I realized the Blanton deal was freaking awful the moment it happened before he ever threw a pitch
  15. fine by me as long as he keeps this up
  16. agreed we need to keep the homegrown good players with team friendly contracts ! There is too much turnover from year to year with this team - nothing wrong with keeping a guy who has been an Angel his whole career
  17. genetic mutants are awesome - who doesn't like X-men?
  18. Uh oh - the govt is gonna find out what venue my band is playing AND how much we get paid -!!!! I don't think anything I do is important enough for the govt to care - I get a kick out of how people freak out over this
  19. haven't seen it - although my old drummer used to say about the Eagles ..." If you practice your harmonies that much you end up sleeping together ...."
  20. It's been a rough week here in Prescott AZ - my band played the fireworks here and after our show before the fireworks they did a great tribute to each man who passed away -
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