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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. Did Albert legitimately think he hit that out? Or does his frustration bat flip look a lot like his home run bat flip?
  2. Not having AO for the KC series is going to be tough, we need to step our venting game up.
  3. After getting swept by the Dodgers I was at about 8, which is about the level of a tumblr user discovering somebody had the audacity to have a different opinion than them
  4. Mark Teixeira's wife wants him to play on the east coast.
  5. Remember that Edison commercial that used to play during every commercial break in the late 90's? Something about how the dad can't make it to his daughter's play because he has to work, but he ends up saving the day when the power goes out. I swear I saw it a thousand times.
  6. I'm just glad this board's crush on 0 for Fourjos seems to be simmering down.
  7. Not Angel related, but anyone who watched TV in the 90's remembers this one somehow
  9. I've been to Fenway, the people there were way nicer than the douchebags that come out to watch the Red Sox in Anaheim.
  10. I'm sick of people crediting Seahawk fans when their stadium was literally designed to be an echo chamber. Yes I'm a Packers fan No I'm not over it yet
  11. I grew up in a house full of Notre Dame fans, and this happened the same week they got screwed by the Bush Push. I was pretty burned out on sports for a while.
  12. They got swept by the Yankees and Astros too
  13. Howie with a big hit In other news, it's the first inning
  14. You gotta whip out a self ban, the season depends on it.
  15. Howie is going to get a massive hit at some point this weekend that sends this board into an absolute frenzy
  16. You should put "Replaced by Greinke" in the thread title so people don't get their hopes up and think we might score a run tonight.
  17. The Astros are going to be a pain in the ass for a long time, especially in Minute Maid Park. Seems like the Angels can't catch a break there.
  18. Somehow Chris Carter's career OPS against the Angels went down after that home run
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