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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. If he threw that one into right field I would have punted my computer off a bridge while Ron Burgundy looked on in horror.
  2. JOHNNY G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Anyone but the Rangers, Dodgers, or Yankees please
  4. It's a pretty spectacular accomplishment to have the best player in the world for 4 straight years and not win a single playoff game.
  5. That part where they got swept in the first round last year and made absolutely zero improvement over the offseason was kind of a killer.
  6. I still can't believe this team didn't have the balls to at least brush Odor back
  7. Turning this game off, I just hope they don't hit the last out to Hamilton or Napoli.
  8. I can't blame Napoli, but Hamilton is a quitter and a bum
  9. They're tied with Toronto for the best record in the AL and home field throughout the playoffs. Not sure how much they care but they definitely have some incentive to win.
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