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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. It's so hard to resist responding seriously when it's clear that he's engaged in some epic trolling. I couldn't.
  2. You're full of crap. I'm a lefty and I'd much rather that the Iraq situation have played out to a happy ending.
  3. You have a perverse way of characterizing those that you can't agree with.
  4. Swannigan to Purdue. That's that. Now we just need to get Dillard cleared and we're set. Great class.
  5. I'm not sure that seeing it in 3D would make it any better. I would just make sure that I had a good seat. A large screen would probably be the thing that the film would benefit most from. I guess see it on an RPX screen or the like if you can. This film rules.
  6. Y'all are acting like a bunch of entitled crybabies.
  7. I assume that I get some sort of thread title royalty here. Please send a donation to Chuck.
  8. I thought it was well done. I'm just fine with not having read the books.
  9. Your reaction to Scioscia's seemingly inevitable enshrinement in the Hall of Fame is going to priceless.
  10. I'll never forget the day that Keyser Soze blew up that boat.
  11. If Scioscia wins another WS, it'll be him. Heck, he could very well get in without another title.
  12. So apparently Swannigan wants to go to Cal but there's not a spot for him and he's waiting to see how some clearance issues shake out.
  13. Swannigan might be back in play. Holy crap.
  14. Obviously. If you didn't see this coming, you know nothing.
  15. I know I'm going to sound like an idiot for asking, but could doing that before completing story mode affect my progress in that respect?
  16. If Jabari Bird can stay healthy and with Wallace coming back... It's kinda exciting.
  17. Tyson Jolly upgraded to a 4* by Scout. Two 5s, a 4 and a high 3. Absurd for Cal.
  18. There is a lot to offer, but how much of that really applies to these kind of 1-2 and done players? I really don't know the answer. I think that without Rabb, Brown would not have come. They were damn close to getting Swannigan, too. That would have been nutso.
  19. I don't think you're supposed to like Loki. Also, Avengers: Age of Ultron was pretty damn enjoyable. I'll give it a solid 8/10, whereas the first film was a 9.5.
  20. I just started GTA 5 on the xbox one. This crap is fantastic.
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