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Everything posted by shellback

  1. as a kid, thi as a kid this also was the first world series i really got into. playing little leauge Bill White became a hero to me. the excitement, the great yankee players and the anticipation of the learning, the entertainment and the lifelong hobby this started holds a special place for me. to see that event at a formative age and soak it in. wow.
  2. this is serious. lets step outside right now tough guy.
  3. can confirm. grew up in la. hate the dodgers.
  4. October 1964 kicked ass! really worth a read about archetypal baseball players and games. Halberstam is easily readable and (his team?) do/does detailed research.
  5. a GREAT book about that same cardinal team is titled: October 1964. describes the cardinal team in detail, with short historys of players like Gibson, Flood and White. also contains stories of mantles yankees who the cards met that year in the series. written by pulitzer prize winner David Halberstam. The book really goes into thier lives and development as baseball players and men.the basics of Floods battle for free agency. Mc Carver's journey through the card's system etc.also gives a detailed desciption game by game of that classic world series. the best baseball book i've ever read.
  6. archer looked unhitable. except for that hanger he threw albert. you gotta waste time as a hitter against against a fractious, nervous pitcher like archer. ruins his timing.
  7. yesterday jim bowden was gushing so hard with praise for this guy it was like satelite radio porn.
  8. thanks for posting this. i love baseball history- to the point of sometimes just reading the baseball encyclopedia. jimmy foxx (who albert tied last night for # of career HR) was a GREAT hitter of the pelota and is also worth a look.
  9. re: at bats with the big club- "they were a little sporadic" hmmmmmm. yeah, there was a reason for that.
  10. i guess there were people that complained about mantle's drinking and whoring around. the guy's a generational talent- lets enjoy his play
  11. thank you for posting the article. any more info and opinions are good.
  12. article summary: anything can happen in the offseason.
  14. ill bite. might have been better for the team to have payed him in cocaine in leiu of a salary.
  15. alot of guys think that because it can't be quantified in an integer it doesn't exist. they are full of shit.
  16. our future batting champ was CLUTCH he's also gone.
  17. bitter consistently bitter with a side of incomprehensible
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