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Everything posted by tomsred

  1. He posted a much better picture. When there is a 14 game losing streak, it's gets really hard to get beyond the lineup thread, and ensuing comments. So, thank you True Grich for creating this!
  2. Duh, I'm clueless, didn't know there was a birthday thread. Learn something new everyday.
  3. Quiet, I am still watching this! Thanks Tank. I knew the Angels would win last night, it was my birthday, and I wore my rally monkey socks all day long.
  4. The cowboy hat ran out of space for more stickers.
  5. Exactly right, it was a move that Perry felt he had to do to take the pressure off of himself. And he did it in a emotional state, and at a poor time. As you said.....dumb!
  6. I agree Tank. I think Perry dodged the real question when he did the press conference installing Kevin as manager. That question was "how do you rate your own performance?" Firing a manager was just an emotional, personal pressure relieving performance on his part, or a deflection from the real issue. It's the GM's job to amass talent and provide depth. He didn't even take partial blame for this failure, and if he had I probably would have felt better about him. There might have been hope that he learned from these mistakes, and could inspire confidence that they would be corrected over time. I am concerned that ownership put someone in the GM spot who is inexperienced and can't handle a situation like the team is currently in. I hope the next GM that's hired has a good track record as a GM, and is more mature.
  7. There's a shortcut, fire the GM.
  8. We have an GM problem, not a manager problem. How much more damage can he do before ownership deals with that? Probably a lot.
  9. I don't think it's such a great idea (the Cowboy Hat), it overvalues home run production when they need to score in a variety off ways, and it eliminates pitchers from participating since they don't hit (except Ohtani). I think it's the fans that keep it going.
  10. I agree Angelsjunkey. The next inflection point will be in about a month from now. I would add that Thor might be an effective trade piece. A total middle infield rebuild will likely be in the works. Maybe I am in the minority at this point, but I really don't trust Perry at this point to effectively pull this off. In retrospect, I think Eppler was on a much better path than what we have seen so far from Perry. I hope he proves me wrong, but he's struggling so far in effectively doing his job in my opinion.
  11. That is a really good summary. They did a really thorough job analyzing the situation.
  12. I wouldn't do that, they don't have any idea who their starting pitcher is tonight, and Boston hitting is hot.
  13. Regarding the title of this thread, you don't make changes because of a specific number of losses. You make changes for "specific reasons" that are having a negative impact on the performance of your team. For example, a player is too old and can be replaced by a cheaper and more effective younger player (the Pujols decision last year). Example, a pitching coach is giving bad advice to a pitcher. Example, a manager doesn't use metrics provided by his staff in setting up defensive positioning. The more specific you can be about why you are making a change with anyone the better, and it helps in effective replacement of that coach or player as well. If Perry is going to replace Maddon, who exactly is he replacing him with and specifically what will that person do to make the team better. Now I know what someone will say, he needs to be replaced because the losses indicate something is generally ineffective, doesn't matter just replace. That's a cop out, I would want to know what specifically is going to be done by the new person that isn't being done now. Otherwise the person making the change (Perry?) is never going to be held accountable for his decision making.
  14. I guess it makes sense in some cases for a team to fire a manager for a bad stretch, but in those instances the manager usually does something to make a total jackass out of himself. Maddon is continuing to do rational things, and he usually gives straight forward answers for moves that he has made. People like to second guess Maddon, but he has his rationale and voices it. I haven't heard much on here about how or who the team should replace him with if that is the decision people think should be made. I don't know how inspirational Joe is with the players, but he certainly deserves respect among the players for his many years of baseball coaching experience, and the success he achieved in Tampa Bay and Chicago. Personally I like the fact that he sometimes uses unconventional logic vs. being predictable and not taking chances in his decisions. I think eventually though that Perry will get a shot with "his guy" (whoever that is), let's hope that that manager is effective and respected.
  15. There is nothing clownish about it. There is more than enough work to go around for anyone who can help. You're trying to make a point for something you already have concluded.
  16. . If Revad is thinking about surfing this week while ditching Angels baseball, here's some inspiration.
  17. Interesting that she's doing this in a men's bathroom, lol.
  18. Gubicza should be our next pitching coach, he's wasting his time on broadcasting. He was pretty adamant about Raisel not throwing a strike to Harper yesterday before the down the middle changeup home run pitch. He comes up with some great pitching insights.
  19. With regard to tonight, will we get the good Thor, or the stinker Thor?
  20. That's not helping the team win. That's just showing your opponent that they are getting to you, and encourages them. I would rather see them focus on their efforts to help the team win.
  21. I was thinking the same thing. After reading many of the comments here everyone wants to find a magic bullet, when the issues involved are far more complex and numerous. Sometimes there is a priority order for tackling problems though, and right now we have a bullpen issue that is totally stalled with no easy fix in sight.
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