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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I disagree. If the trainer is lying then Pujols lets it go and takes it as clearance. By putting himself on the stand and opening a can of worms he is ready for battle. Or Albert simply knows he has more money than Jack and will push it to the extent before he folds due to costs.
  2. While I agree, if Pujols has nothing to hide he is up. Thing about it the other way, would Pujols go into litigation knowing he'd be a mark and have to be an open book?
  3. Before reading the rest of this thread, posturing. Both sides know no one is taking a steroid test. He's trying bro win the court of opinion before it goes to trial. Call it sharp if you want, but it's standard and he is trying to get the public opinion in his favor before a possible trial. Seems standard to me.
  4. He has good defense and speed, but can't stay on the field. I'm sure many teams have the type.in the minors. I wouldn't trade for what he can do since he hasn't done it.
  5. I'd say the same for your Browns. But yeah, wtf? Lose to the Raiders then beat the Colts? Lose to the Texans then beat the Eagles?
  6. I'm still surprised no one simply mentioned not drinking.
  7. lol@ seeing the beginning of this thread until the Dogs winning
  8. ok, that's what I thought. I know they play twice in three weeks. the first one after the chiefs bye where Reid is 13-1 after the bye. I had no idea you guys were last in pass defense.
  9. If Butcher and Percival were the only options, then probably.
  10. yeah, picked up the d after week four off waivers. same thing happened with Seattle last year which has been awesome. they had me a little worried but killed it the second half and still haven't allowed a td in the 4th. they lead in sacks, have a pick 6 in three of six games, and have good 3 and out numbers. I still held onto Houston, but can now drop them for a RB. three picks yesterday without the #1 CB instills confidence. we'll see. everyone said Denver was in trouble when clady went down but they haven't missed a beat. I have welker as my flex who has been great. I'll take chiefs wins with him having two touchdown games. can't wait for the november meeting. the week 17 one will be interesting because both should have a playoff spot locked up, but maybe the division is in the line.
  11. yeah, the Houston game scared me until they are inconsistent and looked like shit versus a not very good rams team. we aren't really destroying teams so there is possibility some tough team can beat us. that said, the d is beastly. sending all out blitzes on 3rd down is nuts and was awesome yesterday. Manning has never been good with pressure and our standard packages have dudes that can apply pressure without the blitz and them missing Clady and their center, who's name escapes me. I heard some talk shows and writers talking about Cooper being the steal of the year. dude has been great. I still think Denver beats us, but want to see how good we really are and where we stand.
  12. Good for him, good dude. I'd rather he grind his axe before just hopping into some major league position with no experience. Simply throwing him on board because he was a former Angel isn't something I'd consider.
  13. Probably. I think he's only serious on the main board portion.
  14. What about Al Bundy. Dude scored four touchdowns for Polk High.
  15. Defense isn't too bad. But for the love of God Pryor needs to learn to throw the ball away. There should have been three other sacks where they chased him out of bounds behind the line of scrimmage, but the refs marked the ball at the line. Was watching with Raiders buddies and this drove them nuts.
  16. I don't remember what Kaep did, but think Romo had an ok game in KC. I think this was the game Kaep shit the bed.
  17. Offense isn't strong, but gets the job done. Can't wait to see this D against the Broncos though.
  18. I hope you can run faster than Terrell Pryor did in those.
  19. Set the record today. Pretty crazy seeing that Arrowhead is all open and not built with a dome and acoustics like Seattle that set the record recently. http://msn.foxsports.com/lacesout/sorry-seattle-chiefs-fans-now-own-world-record-for-crowd-noise/
  20. Suede = good Racer 15 = ok 12.12.12 = better than I remember, good fall ale. how is that El segundo white? I saw it and almost grabbed it.
  21. just watch it. the premise is dumb but there is back story and history.
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