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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. Conservatives have been complaining that USPS costs our country too much money. So they should be happy about this.
  2. Biden would get blamed for Trump's recession just like Obama was blamed for Bush's.
  3. He actually did it twice. I used his photo and then I used failos'. It was during a GDT.
  4. You deleted my profile photo last year when I copied someone else's.
  5. You deleted my profile photo last year when I copied someone else's.
  6. There's a Hispanic family (not sure if Mexican, but I'm guessing they are) who live in the apartment next to us. Mom, Dad, and three kids (elementary through high school) in a 2-bedroom. They are incredible neighbors. Very friendly, quiet, and respectful. They have family members over often but we never hear noise or music.
  7. If I ever ran for office, any of you could sink my political career instantly by publishing a random sampling of my posts.
  8. I can't be the only one who is wiping as I participate in this discussion.
  9. That means you're a little higher on the morality echelon than Jay, who only calls out Rally.
  10. Paying rent, paying mortgage, living with family, whatever. It's all good.
  11. Blarg is a moderator. I look forward to you calling him out next time he makes a personal attack.
  12. Yes, and the first question I ask is if they're here legally. Honestly, if they're working and paying rent, I couldn't give a rally monkey's ass whether they're here legally.
  13. Yet people still show up in droves. Edge: Lowell
  14. *checks backyard* Nope, no illegals. To be fair, I live in an apartment so I don't really have a backyard.
  15. Jay never resorts to personal attacks in these discussions, so he has the moral high ground to call you out.
  16. I didn't know st1ck was vacationing in Philly.
  17. I dabbled as a kid. For some reason what I remember most is those packs of cards that would come with a stick of gum, and the gum was crunchy instead of chewy.
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