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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. True Grich doing the real work. Larry was too lazy to actually verify the false information he was propagating.
  2. Lulz, sick burn, Jay! @mmc isn't a lib and he's been very open about his mental health issues. Do you realize that chronic anxiety and depression are mental illnesses?
  3. I don't think a small presence would keep the Taliban at bay. Unfortunately, whether we left in 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2021, or 2030, the same result would have occurred.
  4. For the record, I never consented for Blarg to acquire or test my DNA.
  5. That's really cool. With some exceptions, I think a good indicator of your parenting skills is, "Do your adult kids still talk to you and want a relationship with you?"
  6. Almost all of the Trumpy members of AngelsWin were pro-leaving Afghanistan as recently as 3 months ago.
  7. Where do we live? That's scary stuff.
  8. Uh, what? My parents were great parents. I'm sure Blarg was a great parent, too.
  9. Even if it were true, shaming people with mental health conditions is so 1980s. Larry must think that to have a mental health condition, it means you're a paranoid schizophrenic and/or psychotic.
  10. I'm pretty sure you and my parents are the same age.
  11. You understand the job market from the perspective of the employer, not the perspective of the job seeker. I've honestly never had any issues finding jobs, mostly because of people I know, but I know it's not always so easy for people.
  12. Who raised the people from my generation?
  13. A bunch of dudes who went to the "school of hard knocks" ragging on people who went to college. I honestly don't care if you went to college or not. I know plenty of people who have had successful, fulfilling careers without a degree. I know many others who have successful, fulfilling careers because of their degree. If you're older than 50, though, you really have no idea what the job market is like these days for younger people.
  14. When Dems do it, it's pandering or virtue signaling. When GOPs do it, it's just politics.
  15. Student loans go just to tuition, so textbooks are extra. Although I believe student loans can cover housing and other fees. Nowadays, it's easier to find used textbooks online for cheaper prices, but books are still expensive.
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