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Angel Oracle

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Everything posted by Angel Oracle

  1. What would the Halos closest equivalent of Panik, Beede, and Shaw be?
  2. Much better against the Warriors, despite losing in OT
  3. Jose Offerman (although he has a cute daughter in the WWE, Jojo the ring announcer)
  4. This is likely about both removing international pool money that the Braves can't use anyway, plus a salary dump.
  5. Nothing rain wise on the horizon for the next two weeks. Overs/Unders on SoCal getting 10 inches of rain this year (October 2017-September 2018)? Zero inches of rain likely through mid-December? Gimme the Unders without a doubt.
  6. Hey now, Herm Edwards can teach ASU players how to return QB fumbles in the last minute of play to gift wrap a win for you.
  7. After last season's draft, the Halos are probably closer to low/mid 20s in farm system rankings. Still a waaays to go, but they are on the right path two years into Eppler's time here.
  8. That's a real inexperienced pen though, without any real veterans included for stability. Chavez is meh, need to move on there. Will they now try to re-sign Norris, and hope that 2 weeks glitch after the ASB doesn't reappear?
  9. Go Eagles (this Sunday anyway), beat the Seahawks! (Sorry Chuck, the Rams can taste a post-season appearance.)
  10. It's time to put Carlos Perez back in there as the #2 catcher. Hitting progressed in 2017, and his defense has to have progressed enough. If they insist on Graterol again, maybe it's time to trade Perez while his value has increased over a year ago?
  11. For Gordon, taking on entire salary would likely mean a very limited package going back to the Marlins. You are right about Ozuna and Yelich, though.
  12. Offense finally woke up in periods 2-3 last night. Irony: Two best NHL goalies currently may well be Quick and former Kings backup goalie Martaaaaan Jones.
  13. Umpires wing: Country Bumpkin Joe West Rich Garcia Angel Hernandez Doug Eddings (actually not a bad guy, but just because)
  14. They even have Ryan wearing his first Halos jersey from 1972 (little "a" in angels on uniform, big A on cap).
  15. In FS79's Trivia thread on page 17 (about a year ago), Brent M. posted this pic and asked if anyone knew all 25 of the players in the pic, including the one seated towards the back of the stands. Looks like the back drop is old Comiskey Park?
  16. After all of that, still have all top 10 teams from a week ago remaining in the Top 10? USC is still #11. CFB Final Four is widdddeee open.
  17. And LB State will pay the price dearly for it on Wednesday. Prediction: UofA 95 LB 55
  18. Agreed, but all things considered, he might not be a bad 2018 option if healthy from the start.
  19. Could have been late season fatigue, due to first full MLB season?
  20. Any thoughts on the recent episodes, that seem to be happening every two weeks now? I miss Virginia Madsen.
  21. One can only hope that Valnobuena will be much better the first half of 2018 than he was the first half of 2017, assuming he stays healthy unlike at the start of 2017. With Simba next to him, it's not the range that is a concern at 3B as much as the fielding consistency.
  22. Bryce Love's health status will be the key. Stanford is aided by the probable big crowd support advantage, being not far from Santa Clara.
  23. As I suspected could happen one day, MITB was just made the 5th major PPV, joining RR, WM, Summerslam, and SurvivorSeries. It will be cross-branded like the other four.
  24. Top two 2016 draft picks (Goff and Wentz) could end up having a pretty nice legacy in the NFL, barring concussions, etc.
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