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Everything posted by angelsnationtalk

  1. "I’m going back to the drawing board,” Stassi said. “I’m trying to do whatever I can to be in a good place. I’m going to figure it out. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do yet.” Maybe hit lefty....
  2. No wonder Arte wants to get the F out. Even though stories said he had nothing to do with the Anaheim deal falling through, i'm pretty sure he and Harry Sidhu had some dinner conversations about cheeping the shit out of it. Harry Sidhu just took all the blame.
  3. Okay so Joseph S. Lacob and names that we can all speculate for fun. Another stupid article from Heyman with no details at all..... Jesus.
  4. I hope Bally Sports disappears off the face of the earth. By far the worst viewing experience. Apps always crash, feed always freezes and every time i click to watch i get spammed by commercials. I miss FSW, and I hope the new owner considers his own network
  5. Although, we're top 5 for starting pitchers. That's at least pretty cool to see.
  6. Can't wait to sign more of the Duffy, Suzuki, Velazquez and Wades of the world!
  7. Yep, It's not illegal if they find the legal loopholes (as bad as it might sound). Sure, it pisses everyone else off who can't do the same thing but you can't really blame them
  8. Just remember what Arte said... "Throughout this process, we will continue to run the franchise in the best interest of our fans, employees, players and business partners." He's about to screw us all for one more year
  9. I said: Team stays in Anaheim but gets a new venue, payroll increases, color/logo/uniform changes. They will rebrand the name back to California Angels. I don't think the logo is a complete overhaul, but I think we might see slight changes with renewed colors. Perhaps change that shitty silver logo back to that bold yellow/gold. Payroll will go up and the front office gets smarter/deeper. There's no way in hell a team with this location/market won't spend more money.
  10. Bally Sports distracting Taylor Ward's grandmother while he hits a home run is PEAK Angels this year. How embarrassing. Let the lady watch the game
  11. I'll bet they either see the disaster team their father built or the amount of national media and the fanbase calling for Moreno to leave that they want nothing to do with it. If this was built like a winner with a great front office then they'd probably consider.
  12. So like i've been saying..... Gap year incoming. Sorry Trout, bye Ohtani. Arte Moreno is about to screw us over one more time.
  13. If that's so then i don't imagine calling people up as COVID replacements would start their service clock right? Would they still need to be on 40man?
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