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Posts posted by tennischmp

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jason said:

    What states has he changed the absentee ballot process? 

    Well his is in court suing a bunch of states, so it's not like he isn't trying. 

    But the biggest problem is him under funding USPS, the main way people receive and submit their absentee ballots. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, Jason said:

    And? He’s said multiple times that absentee voting is good but universal mailing of ballots is bad. Every State has some form of absentee voting. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel here. Many people don’t even wanna vote so why even send them a ballot?

    If he was in favor of absentee voting he would be the biggest advocate for funding USPS properly but he is not. And he is really transparent about it. He knows that voter turnout will hurt him in so he is trying to suppress the vote by making is harder for people to vote by absentee(even though he says that's good).

    Plus there are very few states that are actually sending ballots to everyone and those states aren’t competitive. The rest are either allowing covid to be used as an excuse for absentee ballots or allowing anyone who wants to request a ballot.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Lhalo said:

    I wonder how many of those people died from staying home instead of getting proper medical care due to the shutdown. Oh and 200,000 sounds like a lot but it’s merely 0.06% of the US population. It’s an even smaller percentage if you count the amount of illegals in the country. 

    Since you just brush 200k lives lost just like that willy nilly, I’ll try to put that in context you may sympathize with better. What if Mexican illegals were killing 1000 people a day? What if rioters were killing 1000 cops a night? What if Al-Qaeda were committing 1 9/11 every 3 days? What if Kim Jong-un nuked us and killed 200k? What if 1000 troops were dying over seas daily? Would you just blow that off as it being only 0.06% of the population all willy nilly like that?

  4. 22 minutes ago, Blarg said:

    The Democratic party didn't sidestep Democracy by forcing two party picks upon it's constituency?

    If you said you were going to vote independent in protest of having your rights to a democratic process stripped from you then I could respect that. But you don't seem to have a real conviction, just a packaged excuse. 

    Democratic Party had a primary and people voted for Biden fair and square. I don’t see where you are getting the Democratic Party forcing Biden through 

  5. 24 minutes ago, angelinkc said:

    I’m getting pissed. I believe we need to help people who the government shutdown their jobs. However, I can’t believe we are actually paying people this much money to sit on their asses. The Marines billed me 1500 in a combat zone for a 7 year old overpayment. I have never received a dime of free money. Even if I get fired my retirement is too much to qualify. I’m thankful but it sure is a fucked up system 

    You do know the median income in California is $71k and the max unemployment (when the additional benefit was $600) was 50k and now with the $300 additional benefit it will be $36k. 

    And while in Missouri the medium income is less at $53k, the max unemployment (when the additional benefit was $600) was 44k and now with the $300 additional benefit it will be $30k. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Jason said:

    Vaccines can have risks. Especially when they are new and rushed. I understand people’s reservations and it’s not as simple as “they’re stupid”. I’ve said it here before that my sister is an infectious disease doctor and has told me that vaccine development is very complicated. If she assures me that these early vaccines are worth the risks (whatever they are) then I’ll get one. I’m going to send  her this article and get her opinion

    It doesn't help that the trust for the president and his motives is at an all time low. Add all those that are anti vaxxers to those that don't trust that trump won't rush the vaccine through to get a political victory and you get the low numbers of people willing to get the vaccine. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Jason said:

    It's smart for sure. He is a senile old man that leaves people confused or laughing after he speaks. A debate will only make him look bad. Anyways, the State of the Union addresses will be entertaining enough. Also, you're admitting that Biden doesn't have a plan or policies?

    Biden's plans and policies are all there on his website 

  8. 1 hour ago, Orange Lives Matter said:

    Once again another INTELLECTUALLY LAZY and NO MEANING response...

    Okay... let me try this again... seeing how you don’t get basic economics and how you HATE poor minorities (because your plan will only hurt poor minorities in the long run)...

    I want to change the subject for your sake and ask you something you might know something about (because once again the word tennis is in your AngelsWin name)...


    Thank You again in advance, really BELIEVE in you with this one

    OK for the final time, we both want to fund childcare for the parents who are unable to stay home. You want to use the funds allocated to schools which in turn will be hurting the teachers even though they are more than capable of providing their services safely at home. I want to use funds the government has allocated for other functions(such as building a border wall). Again like I said you don't have to like my solution and I don't have to like yours. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Orange Lives Matter said:

    Alrighty brah... keep deflecting...

    I hit you up with basic economics and you hit me up with a WEAK SAUCE solution that has nothing to do with anything with regards to this problem...

    But tell ya what tennischimp let me give ya something you might be able to handle since you have the name tennis in your AngelsWin name...

    So been having some elbow discomfort (not pain) lately... did some research and I’m pretty sure it’s tennis elbow... how do you fix tennis elbow?... 

    Oh and thank you in advance for the advice... I really feel like you got this one 😉

    No one's deflecting, the government wastes lots of money on other crap but when it comes to providing for single moms and working parents for child care when it is unsafe to open in person schools during a pandemic, well that's printing money.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Orange Lives Matter said:

    So print more money to pay out more people to not produce which will in turn cause shortages in manufacturing and services, which will make prices to go up (inflation) which will create more wealth disparity for the have and have nots and set back poor people some more...

    By the way your plan is the perfect plan for all us rich white liberals who own our houses, have our money diversified in stocks, bonds, investment properties and precious metals 

    Like I said you may not like the solution. Your solution is to use the teachers salaries. 

    No need to print more money, have Mexico reimburse us for the 11 billion dollar (and counting) wall project they were supposed to pay for and use that to fund people's child care during this time

  11. 4 minutes ago, Orange Lives Matter said:

    Okay you didn’t answer any of the real questions... you just talked about day cares...

    Once again what about people not privileged enough to walk away from work?... single moms, working class parents???

    Or the people without the infrastructure of having internet or a computer / tablet?

    Heck some of these parents are not educated in and of itself... so how are they going to be helping in the teaching of their kids when they don’t know beyond basic reading, writing and math?...

    Also another thing you might know of is many of these kids also get a lot of their meals from schools because some of these parents just don’t have the means of providing the standard three daily meals... what’s your NOT SO VAGUE (oh the government will fix it) solution to this too?

    Once again only people who are gonna get screwed in all of this is the poor and minorities (the people liberals say they fight for)



    What did those single moms, working class parents do before their children became school aged? 

    My solution? You may not like it but continue providing "unemployment benefits" to those families with children even if they go back to work so they could use it on for child care. 

    Also a lot of the schools are still providing meals even when not open.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Orange Lives Matter said:

    Ok... but for all the parents with jobs who are now forced to leave their jobs and stay home to take care of their kids education, how will they make up for lost wages and dramatic shift in life earnings-wise?

    Schools are not daycares, parents have gotten used to using schools as such, but in reality teacher's are not babysitters, their job is to teach. They can provide that service remotely when it is unsafe for in person teaching. The government should figure out how to help parents with day care during these times, not the teachers. 

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