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Posts posted by tennischmp

  1. 10 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

    NY does not have herd immunity and is not approaching herd immunity.  You guys keep saying this but you don’t really want to know what the road to rapid herd immunity looks like.

    just wear the masks and be smart about gatherings and going out.  Beating the virus can be achieved without a million people dying.  

    also, NY handled it far worse than California.  They paid the price.  We’re still trying to stave off that terrible scenario.  Newsom should not have let the openings happen as rapidly as they did.  I am not advocating for the March style shut downs again.  But we need to be reasonable about what’s going on here.  Enforce the mask requirements.  Don’t allow large gatherings.  And of course there’s only so much that the government can do.  People do need to be responsible for themselves and their neighbors and make the right choices.  Sorry it’s inconvenient and little uncomfortable. 

    NY handled it bad until they realized how bad it was but after they shutdown they were able to control the spread(case wise) and their reopening was much better. The coronavirus task force came out with gain criteria for state reopening which required a 14 day decrease in case count before even lifting the lockdown and no states other than NY, NJ followed it. 

  2. 5 hours ago, wopphil said:

    Not only that, but I am not sure their response was that much different/better than California. I almost wonder if the virus has just run its course through NY and they are seeing something like a herd immunity. 

    Umm they kept their state lockdown a month more than CA

    and based on this article it’s not herd immunity 


  3. 41 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

    Does it really have to be one or the other?  

    No it doesn’t and both contributed, just one on a much greater scale than the other.

    But you should be asking that question to Fox News since they didn’t mention the greater contributor once in the article. I’m just a guy posting in a public forum while they are one of the biggest news companies in the nation.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Redondo said:

    Several big-city mayors and top officials are acknowledging that weeks of anti-police protests and riots may have contributed to surging coronavirus rates, weeks after Democrats and even some epidemiologists openly encouraged Black Lives Matter allies to demonstrate in the streets


    Hmm I remember a lot of protests in NY, MN and DC yet their cases aren't surging. Maybe the biggest contributor of the surging cases are the early and careless openings in FL, GA, AZ, CA and TX. 

  5. 1 hour ago, wopphil said:

    Yeah, I don’t understand this either. I realize just about every country on earth is less selfish than we are, but it’s remarkable just how well most other nations have handled this. Japan, for example, has had almost no issue whatsoever. 

    I don't think it's rocket science, NY did it right and controlled the virus, if every state did it how NY did we wouldn't have a problem right now. 

  6. 39 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Kanye West just threw his hat in the ring. Billionaire psychotic vs. Millionaire dementia for the Democratic ticket.

    It's like the WWF Summer Slam

    Huh? It's too late for him to run to be a candidate for either party, he will have to run as an independent if he does run. Also he is a Republican and a Trump supporter.

  7. 8 hours ago, Tank said:

    they're like presidential assassination attempts - we don't usually hear about the ones that are stopped ahead of time, only the ones that actually take place. i'm going to guess that a steady police presence on campus has thwarted several plans.

    but there's also the issue of just the day-to-day stuff, like fights and drugs. it isn't a one-dimensional job for them to only prevent shootings.

    how do you think public schools are going to be if there isn't any law enforcement on campus?

    I went to a public high school with no police presence and as far as I know 14 years later there is still no law enforcement on campus. My school was in the wealthier areas and we rarely had problems that needed police. Maybe we should spend money on fixing the underlying issues and the reasons why my high school didn't need police on campus and other schools do. 

  8. 1 hour ago, st1ckboy said:

    According to the article it was passed 45-11. 

    There are currently 31 Dems and 26 Reps on the committee. So at the least there are 14 Reps also trying to undercut him?

    House Committee on Armed Services - GovTrack.us

    Did you not hear anyone against Trump are just Democrats trying to undercut him including Mueller, Bolton, and Berman, a registered Republican and a Trump donor. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Redondo said:

    People are making it appear as it's all Covid when it's not. We don't have it that bad here so the article doesn't represent the entire state. 

    Well you missed the point then. It’s not about what people making anything appear it’s about the hospitals capacity to treat more Covid patients. After all ICU beds are occupied they will have problems.

  10. 2 hours ago, ScottT said:

    Just stopped by my local spot. They were serving beer for patio consumption until today. They also have a license to sell prepackaged beer to go.

    They are now selling 32oz crowler/cans to go. Great because they wont have to eat that keg money. Again.

    In order to sell the crowlers, they must offer food.  Peanut butter or jelly sandwich available for $1. You must take it. They staple a paper bag shut with your beer and crowler.

    Our government is a little silly.  

    Pretty sure they don’t want bar open because they are inside and it’s hard to social distance at the bar. Correct me if I’m wrong but if you are a bar and have outdoor seating and keep the tables 6 feet apart you can still be open 

  11. 4 hours ago, Lhalo said:

    Well I could live my life knowing that I don't have to worry about contracting it. Right now would be a prime time for me. Work is slow and the lockdown is still in affect which limits my activities. I might as well deal with the flu now.

    OK well good luck then, why you are even debating it if you think it's just the flu?

  12. 41 minutes ago, Lhalo said:

    My brother in law got his test results back today and he's covid-19 positive. He's asymptomatic but his roommates feel like they have the flu. I'm debating whether or not to invite him to the house so I can get this shit over with.

    Wait why do you think it would be better for you to get it over with and not just wait until when and if you get it 

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