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Posts posted by tennischmp

  1. 11 minutes ago, Orange Lives Matter said:

    I totally support the right of a teacher or teachers wanting to sit things if they don’t feel safe... 

    But seeing how there’s not going to be schools for the kids then I think our tax rate should be dropped as well with the funds going to the schools be given back to we the people as a tax cut...

    I think that’s reasonable... no service (in this case teaching), no pay

    AND ONCE AGAIN... I’m in SUPPORT of teachers WANTING TO SIT OUT if they don’t feel safe


    Teachers will be teaching, remotely. I haven't heard 1 school district not starting at all. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Blarg said:

    The difference was, my thick headed friend, is he was chosen instead thrust upon. You never were afforded choices, the nominee was pre determined, in essence your votes mattered not to your party. You have not been involved in a democratic process for two election cycles. 

    You have zero proof of what you are saying, but keep saying it, that will make it true

  3. 3 hours ago, Blarg said:

    Your primary was fixed. You never had a choice, just like in 2016. And yet you are still going to support this lack of democracy just so you can win... nothing. Biden is not going to lead any reforms. He will settle into the chair and sign what he's told to. To make those that put him there even more enriched. 

    At least if Trump wins it may finally kill off the boomer hold on the DNC and you can see relevant candidates that aren't some legacy of the failed 70's political machine. Flush the over 60 crowd and start over with candidates that are just a sleight bit less polluted by the machine politic. 

    Then you can point fingers at the Republicans as being different because you at least will be choosing your candidates rather than accepting dictatorship by your party.

    Until then you are just a bunch of whining losers. 

    Says a guy whose party chose a 70 year old lunatic and is allowing him to run for re-election at age 74

  4. 44 minutes ago, Jason said:

    I would rather Trump and the rest of our politicians just be honest and tell us there is no cure or treatment and you're probably fucked if you get it so please just do everything possible to not spread it around. Unfortunately, many people can't handle a simple truth like that. 

    I would rather Trump stfu and let the doctors do the treating. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Brandon said:

    Do you have this level of passion for the ~54k a day deaths of heart disease, ~50k a deaths of cancer, or ~14k for unintentional accident deaths....per the CDC and I only stopped there.

    People die, that's what we do. Most seem to choose a vice like smoking or eating three double doubles a day until their heart burst.

    I find it funny we have wear mask signs and can't advertise cigarettes anymore, but have no problem putting Carls Jr. commercials in your face x amount of times per hour while watching tv. No concern or outrage for that though.....maybe not even an AW post about it. But Covid deaths that have decreased, let's bring that to the forefront. 

    Yea lets compare deaths caused by mostly people's own poor choices(as you eloquently stated) to deaths that are caused by nothing more than a freedom fighter coughing in the path of someone walking down the street. A more accurate comparison would be deaths from stray bullets. How many of those are there a day? And what if there were 1000 per day?

    And deaths haven't been declining, but rather increased this whole month of July

    Btw idk where you are getting your statistics but they don't look right

  6. 4 minutes ago, Lhalo said:

    That's not true. The rate of spread is what kills and slowing it is the whole reason we are trying to "flatten the curve." As long as the ICU's aren't overflowing and our government doesn't shove infected people into nursing homes we will be ok and we should open up. It's not very hard to understand.

    See so you are ok with 1000 people dying daily. So please excuse me if I don’t take your caring of NY deaths seriously.

    Also it’s wasn’t just to flatten the curve it was also a 14 day decrease in cases and hospitalizations. And once that is achieved and states begin opening up, to pause if there is an increase in the cases. That is straight from the White House task force guidelines. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Lhalo said:

    So NY controlled the spread but not the deaths. No offense but deaths are more important to me than how many people have it. 

    Umm wat? The more people that have a virus that can kill, the more deaths there will be. No offense but I don’t think you care much about about deaths since you seem to be ok with doing what the US is doing and 1000 people dying daily.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Stradling said:

    If you believe both sets of numbers then 150000 deaths of the 4,371,000 cases is about half the death rate of NY.  So statistically speaking it would be managed better I guess.  If you take NY’s numbers then the percent is that much better. 

    He brought up the deaths and I responded with the same. For the record I don't think either managed it properly, but NY did control the spread of the virus better than all other states. It is unfortunate that so many died in NY but now what we can only hope for is that the rest of the country controls it as well as NY did because if not, NY may not be the state with the most deaths when this is all said and done. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Blarg said:

    New York killed 32,000 people by gross mismanagement. That is 4 times more than California, six times more than Texas and Florida. They are no shining example of how to handle the pandemic. 

    If you call 32000 deaths gross mismanagement what is 150000 deaths?

  10. 9 hours ago, gotbeer said:

    I find that it's weird that all of a sudden NY got better.  It's not like they drastically changed things.  

    When it's all said and done, there might be something about this virus that affects only certain people.  Pure speculation, but that certain % of people might be very susceptible, and the rest of us not very.  And when that % of susceptible people get it, then the virus has no where else to go and slowly dies off.  

    In other worlds, Cals is the weak link, and now that he got it, we can all party.

    NY reopened a month later than any other other state and opened much slower. NYC has only hit Phase 4 a week ago. I would say that is pretty drastically different from the rest. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Blarg said:

    Hah! Like he gave a shit while debating Clinton. And she was a liar as well so the fact checkers were busy as hell. 

    How is it Biden will survive fact checking when he can't complete a thought? 

    Biden completed plenty of thoughts during the primary debates, Trump can't complete 2 sentences without lying 

  12. 20 minutes ago, fan_since79 said:

    I agree. They'll probably figure out a way to keep him from debating. 

    The VP choice is far more important right now. Keep an eye on that one. She might become president as the 25th Amendment is invoked when Biden goes full bore demented.

    Of course, assuming Trump loses and accepts the loss. A lot of unknowns at this point.

    Who wants to debate with someone who lies 95% of the time? 

  13. 1 hour ago, Redondo said:

    Trump backer gets town to erase BLM mural with simple request

    Redwood City in San Francisco’s Bay Area quietly scrubbed away its Black Lives Matter mural from a city street after a resident asked to paint a similar “MAGA 2020” on the same road, according to a local news report.

    Redwood City resident Dan Pease received permission from city officials to paint “Black Lives Matter” on Broadway Street as part of a Fourth of July public art celebration, according to KPIX 5. City officials even supplied him with the yellow poster paint to make the mural.

    “Because we were using the poster board paint that would eventually deteriorate over time, my understanding from them was that the mural would last as long as the paint lasted,” Pease explained, the outlet said.

    Then, local real estate attorney Maria Rutenberg, who reasoned that the street was now a public forum, asked the city if she could paint her own “MAGA 2020” sign on the same street.

    “I saw 'Black Lives Matter' sign appearing on Broadway Street on the asphalt and I figured that’s gonna be a new public space, open for discussion, and I wanted to get my message out, too,” Rutenburg said.

    The city did not respond but promptly removed the Black Lives Matter mural, the news outlet said. They said the sign was a traffic hazard and might cause accidents.

    Pease said he doesn’t believe “Black Lives Matter” to be a political statement but understands the position the city was in, according to KPIX 5.

    We do need to MAGA 2020 after these 4 years. I would have let her do it and given her blue paint

  14. 7 hours ago, Blarg said:


    In his first White House coronavirus briefing for months on Tuesday, a less off-the-cuff president echoed what public health officials on his pandemic task force have been saying as he warned: "It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better.

    "Something I don't like saying about things, but that's the way it is."

    He added: "We're asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask, get a mask.

    "Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact, they'll have an effect and we need everything we can get."

    Did he remember to delete the tweet of him mocking Biden for wearing a mask? Or was he too hung over from his fundraising event where he was not wearing a mask?


    Who are you kidding? He finally came to the realization his reelection is in jeopardy.


  15. 5 hours ago, Blarg said:

    There was no shortage of PPE that wasn't part of our infrastructure going back umpteen years. You can't store up 350 million of x,y and z that has an expiration date and expect the federal government to fit the bill every two years. This is the disingenuous part of the argument. 

    Some of this falls on individual States and their lack of preparedness but you don't see our local government taking the blame, instead they pour billions into non essentials then point fingers at Washington. 

    You asked for what the FEDERAL government could have done and I answered and you ignored most of it. You will probably ask that again tomorrow so I have it copied to paste it for you just in case. Regarding the PPE, yes the localities are at fault too but that doesn’t mean that the federal government wasn’t ill prepared as well with their national stockpile and the response to the shortage in January and February after the WHO already declared it a global health emergency. And again you asked what the FEDERAL government could have done.

  16. On 7/18/2020 at 5:00 AM, Blarg said:

    Look, you've been bitching about how everything has been handled incorrectly but have never once outlined how it should have been since the beginning. A step by step, phase by phase, national plan to prevent the spread of a virus that was kept from public knowledge by China until it already had spread worldwide. 

    It is so easy to complain about what has gone down but it seems you are unable to show you would have had a better plan. I know I don't have one. I still don't know that without a totalitarian iron fist this country could adopt measures that would strangle the spread of this virus. We already bankrupted millions by shutting down large sectors of the economy and civil unrest undid those gains. 

    It seems we, as a nation, have to ride it out until science brings a cure. 


    On 7/18/2020 at 5:14 AM, tennischmp said:

    Funny you mention a step by step, phase by phase, national plan because the White House actually put out one but no state actually followed it and Trump never cared to enforce it, too worried about opening the states https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/

    Also how about tests for everyone who wants one and results that don't take 7+ days to get and then proper tracing

    Also how about a unified national response, not governors doing whatever they want

    Or a clear and concise message regarding masks and seriousness of the virus from the leader that doesn't contradict everything his doctors and scientists are saying

    A national mask mandate would also be nice

    Almost all countries aren't riding it out until science brings a cure but got the virus under control and are safely opening up the economy and schools. The US is in the minority


    4 hours ago, Blarg said:

    Please detail those effective steps that could have been immediately implemented. 


    3 hours ago, tennischmp said:

    That's funny you ask because the White House Coronavirus Task Force just recently produced an unpublished document for each state of effective steps that could be immediately implemented. There looks like there is no actual effort from the WH to implement those. 



    27 minutes ago, Blarg said:

    That's not what is going on here. You keep harping on how it's all mismanaged but won't put forth how it could have been managed better, starting from day one. You can't even put forth how it should be managed from today and onward. 

    Absolutely. I think one of the problems was to secure resources for medical and first responders the administration made a decision to not push mask usage for the general public so they didn't add that to the toilet paper hoarding. And even at that resources were scarce because of panic buying.

    This is a much more complex problem than following Twitter feeds and being outraged by unavoidable circumstances that are baked into our national infrastructure. 

    It's funny how you keep asking the same question and ignoring the answers

    Btw you blame the mask usage on needing to secure resources for medical and first responders, well whose fault was it there was a shortage of PPE to begin with? Obama? 3 years into Trump's term?

  17. 1 hour ago, Blarg said:

    Please detail those effective steps that could have been immediately implemented. 

    That's funny you ask because the White House Coronavirus Task Force just recently produced an unpublished document for each state of effective steps that could be immediately implemented. There looks like there is no actual effort from the WH to implement those. 


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