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Everything posted by yk9001

  1. I went to a hole in the wall called Robert Earl's in North Long beach (on Artesia just east of Atlantic) - just south of 91. It took 20 minutes to get some take out, but the ribs were fantastic. The sauce wasn't memorable because the flavor was in the smoke in the meat. Dude has a bbq out front - you could be blind and follow the smell. The baked beans had green onion and jalapeño. I am not an expert in bbq, but the smoke flavor was something else.
  2. I'm one of those assholes. Good for him. I still don't like him. So shoot me.
  3. I am all in favor of going with the hot hand, or closer by committee, or using best reliever for highest leverage situations. The point last night is that none of the Frieri alternatives are any good.
  4. I am not a Scioscia fan, but I don't understand what he did wrong last night. He had the option between sh*t and p*ss last night. Dennis Eckersley was not walking through those bullpen gates last night.
  5. I assume the price of applesauce and apple juice are going to be going up soon, because this season's crop seems to have quite a few "bad apples". Two LA sheriffs were found planting evidence at a pot dispensary. Tripped up by those pesky video surveillance cameras. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-ex-deputies-charged-evidence-20140423,0,3207799.story#axzz2zoSsdtDv The sheriff's Internal Criminal Investigation Bureau began investigating the incident a year later and discovered video from inside the dispensary that was "inconsistent" with the report filed by the deputies, prosecutors said. In other words, they lied on the police report.
  6. If you did sell the 500 ball, how much could you get for it?
  7. Katrina Survivors. Cancer Survivors. Oklahoma City Bombing Remembrance. Anniversary of JFK shooting. Anniversary of RFK shooting. Anniversary of MLK shooting. RIP Nana, 1938-2011 on the rear window of the minivan. Lighting a candle to commemorate the anniversary of Newtown shooting. Vigils for the second anniversary of Trayvon Martin shooting. 6th anniversary of NIU shooting marked with bell ringing. This nation is addicted to tragedy pron.
  8. From the You Can't Make This Stuff Up file, he was the department's Officer of the Year in 2013.
  9. You are trolling in a thread that isn't to your liking, then take offense when someone replies. Awesome.
  10. The bus driver taking the high schoolers to tour Humbolt State was killed when an out of control Fed Ex truck struck his bus head-on. He died in the line of his duty. There won't be any live Channel 9 Tragedy Pron for his funeral.
  11. Its part of the "everybody gets a trophy" mentality. Many people just feel they need to be a part of a group. And dammit, they are going to let you know. Pink Ribbons. Remember 9-11. Yellow Ribbons. Daughters of the Revolution. My kid made the Honor Roll at George Washington Carver Elementary School. Boston Strong. Patches on jerseys to commemorate God-knows-what. Wearing buttons with your kid's face on them at Little League. 13.1. Andrea Doria Survivor [/seinfeld].
  12. Baseball can't handle replay. If they get this one wrong, just forget about it http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/eye-on-baseball/24532031/video-red-sox-get-hosed-by-instant-replay-yet-again
  13. Adam, check out this apple, he's tripping high school kids as they celebrate a girls soccer hs state championship http://thebiglead.com/2014/04/21/police-officer-trips-students-celebrating-texas-high-school-soccer-championship-is-placed-on-leave/ Watch thru the video, "trip" is a pretty polite word. The kid is limping around. More like 'kicked'. Thank god for youtube.
  14. Many media outlets have become big time peddlers in Tragedy Anniversary Porn. One year since the Boston Marathon bombing (that gets triple points, because ESPN can integrate the Sawx into it). Last week was 7th anniversary of Va Tech shooting. 15th anniversary of Columbine this week. ESPN had a segment this morning on the 10th anniversary of Pat Tillman death. Lets not even get started about 9-11. You aren't off on this, Bruce, you are spot on. Jesus, we're going to soon run out of tragedy anniversary days, there are only 365 of them.
  15. I still don't understand the point of this thread. What kind of riches did these supposed idiots give up by throwing the ball back?
  16. Four minute infomercial for PEDs. And that was *WITH* a super marine layer. That's why it was so important to get Aurilia and Kent out before Bonds.
  17. Identical tweets. All transparent ads. Jeez, twitter is the worst. http://deadspin.com/sports-personalities-fail-to-be-subtle-while-promoting-1564679685/all
  18. So a right that was already his, earned through collective bargaining with the union (5/10 rights), were important to him in the negotiations? Interesting.
  19. I don't get why the no trade rights are in play here, since he's a 5/10 guy. What am i missing?
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